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Symbolfoto: Das AIT ist Österreichs größte außeruniversitäre Forschungseinrichtung

Travel smarter

Automated ticketing and mobility surveys by capturing multi-modal travel behaviour

How to make public transport even more comfortable for passengers?

Can ticketing be simplified?

How to capture the actual mobility behavior?


Public transport needs to be as efficient and comfortable as possible in order to be attractive for passengers and cost-effective for public transport operators. AIT addresses these challenges with its technology Travel Mode Identification (TMI), which is an innovative software solution automatically identifying travel modes of people carrying a smartphone.


The technology can easily be integrated in existing smartphone-apps and automatically classifies eight different travel modes, no user intervention is required. Possible applications are e.g. simple and reliable mobility surveys and novel solutions for automated ticketing.


Next show up

UITP Global Public Transport Summit in Montréal/Canada

15 – 17 May 2017

AIT booth: # 2D100
