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Persuasive 2017: AIT Experts Present Study on Pokémon Go


Persuasive Technology (PT) is a vibrant interdisciplinary research field, focusing on the design, development and evaluation of interactive technologies aimed at changing people’s attitudes or behaviors through persuasion and social influence, but not through coercion or deception.

The 12th international conference on Persuasive Technology took place in Amsterdam from 3 to 6 April, with a strong focus on the personalization of Persuasive Technologies towards differences in personality, attitudes or preferences of users and consumers.

The AIT Center for Technology Experience was represented by Marc Busch and Elke Mattheiss, who co-organized a workshop under the theme Personalizing Persuasive Technologies: Progress, Challenges, and Opportunities. Elke Mattheiss also presented a study on Pokémon Go players, which had been conducted by AIT experts together with Rita Orji (University of Waterloo). The presentation attracted a large audience and triggered intensive discussions.

Elke Mattheiss, Scientist: “Personalization of Persuasive Technology will boost competitiveness of industries such as retail, production security and health, especially in upcoming digital industries.”

Next year’s conference will take place Toronto, Canada.