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Symbolfoto: Das AIT ist Österreichs größte außeruniversitäre Forschungseinrichtung

e4share - Models for Ecological, Economical, Efficient, Electric Car-Sharing

AIT Mobility Department, Dynamic Transportation Systems, as project partner

With increasing pollution due to road traffic emissions, there is need for new mobility concepts with low emission, sustainable energy consumption, and better utilization of the public space. These demands can partially be fulfilled by car-sharing systems. However, although car-sharing helps to reduce the number of cars, the resulting emissions cannot be neglected. Replacing traditional vehicles by e-cars is an important aspect to reduce emissions and pollution.

The goal of the e4-share project is to study the optimization challenges of designing and operating electric car-sharing systems to best meet both customer needs, as well as, economic effectiveness of the systems – besides meeting ecological challenges of car-traffic in cities. Among others, one particularly important aspect is the effective placement of re-charging stations, which needs to be planned beforehand, based on traffic and usage forecasts. Therefore, we lay the foundations for efficient and economically viable electric car-sharing systems in the e4-share project.

The main task of AIT Mobility Department, Dynamic Transportation Systems, as project partner is to process input data with respect to (e-)car-sharing systems and mobility demand as well as traffic state forecasts. These data serve as basis for further optimization algorithms.

Follow the link to watch the e4-share Video.