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ARCSolver technology enters the U.S. reimbursement system

American Medical Association Accepts Recommendation for CPT Code for Central Arterial Pressure Waveform Analysis with ARCSolver technology

The American Medical Association (AMA) has posted its Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) Editorial Panel actions from its February 2015 meeting.

Key Points:

  • AMA accepted recommendation for a new Category I CPT code (9300X1) to cover the “non-invasive calculation and analysis of central arterial pressure waveforms with interpretation and report”
  • CPT code is a critical step in gaining reimbursement coverage in the United States
  • AMA does not include proprietary references nor recommend a specific medical device

Manfred Bammer, Head of AIT Business Unit Biomedical Systems, says: “This AMA Editorial Panel decision is an important step in the process of U.S. reimbursement for clinicians measuring and analyzing central arterial pressure waveforms.” 

AIT`s ARCSolver technology, which is implemented in several medical devices, measures non-invasively via an upper arm cuff the central arterial pulse pressure waveforms and blood pressures, and has US FDA clearance of the medical devices where the ARCSolver technology is implemented. So the panel decision is very important for the U.S. adoption of ARCSolver technology which was fully developed at AIT. The ARCSolver technology is patent-protected in Europe and the U.S. Its innovative approach to the measurement and analyzing of pulse waveforms and central blood pressure has already been used successfully in several clinical trials. The results of these have been published in a many peer-reviewed papers world-wide.”