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Speed dating with researchers and students

Maciej Kwapisz, Scientist of the AIT Mobility, participated

On March, 24th, 2015, the initiative fti ... remixed of the bmvit organized a speed dating with researchers and students of the college in Austria Center Vienna, Vienna.

In "thematic stations", the researchers were interviewed about research topics, research focus, current projects etc. by different groups of students in so-called "dates".

In the opening round, Maciej Kwapisz, AIT Mobility, spoke about his business unit Transportation Infrastructure Technologies, which also focusses on bridges monitoring, life cycle analysis and seismic analysis. As a research subject, he presented an acceleration sensor serving as an example for a monitoring system of a bridge. "A chain of such sensors together with numerical analyzes can inform you in time about progressing damage."

Dipl. Ing. Maciej Kwapisz
Maciej Kwapisz graduated at the Technical University in Cracow (Poland) as a civil engineer specializing in theory of construction. In 2008, he wrote his master thesis at the TU Vienna during a semester aboard. The topic was a steel structure under fire load. Since 2009, he works as a scientist in the business unit Transportation Infrastructure Technologies, in the AIT Mobility Department. Maciej Kwapisz is a technical expert in structural dynamics and earthquake investigation. He has worked for several projects in the area of life cycle analysis and seismic analysis of buildings, bridges and noise barriers. He is a specialist for analysis of finite element method.

fti..remixed Speeddating
Speed Dating Photos