Numerical Simulation
- /en/research-topics/numerical-simulation
Material modelling Component simulation Process simulation Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing Simulation Process simulation of Wire and Arc Additive Manufacturing (Wire-AM) for the prediction of temperature
- /en/sitemap
ProMetHeus ReMaP ZDM Wire-based Additive Manufacturing Joining Technologies Welding and Brazing Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAM) Laboratories Projects ADALFIC AZ91-PMD DEDAluS DISCO2030 HTcoils GEPROBA [...] We3D Facilities Additive Manufacturing Laboratory Numerical Simulation Solidification simulation Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing Simulation CFD cooling simulation Continuous casting simulation Metal Extrusion [...] Testing & Heat Rise Testing Electrical Components Calculation and measurement of electromagnetic fields Arc fault testing Grid-connected inverters AIT Smart Grid Converter Testing for EV Charging Infrastructure
Symposium on Post-Bitcoin Cryptocurrencies
- /en/about-the-ait/center/center-for-digital-safety-security/fairs-events/symposium-on-post-bitcoin-cryptocurrencies
Cryptocurrencies & Counterterrorism: Cooperative Solutions for Law Enforcement Agencies (Prof. Daniel G. Arce M. PhD, UT Dallas) Chances and Risks of Cryptocurrencies’ Transparency – A Legal Perspective (Dr.
Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAM)
- /en/research-topics/wire-based-additive-manufacturing/wire-arc-additive-manufacturing-wam
Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAM) Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAM) Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAM) WAM aluminium body and schematic illustration of possible positions for the extraction
Speakers & Talks
- /en/about-the-ait/center/center-for-digital-safety-security/fairs-events/symposium-on-post-bitcoin-cryptocurrencies/speakers-talks
laundering and terrorism financing. Short Bio: Daniel Arce is the Ashbel Smith Professor of Economics at the University of Texas at Dallas. Professor Arce is a game theorist whose research interests include [...] Before joining the University of Innsbruck, he has worked as a software developer in a bank. Daniel G. Arce - Cryptocurrencies & Counterterrorism: Cooperative Solutions for Law Enforcement Agencies Abstract: [...] Towards Better Privacy with Monero pdf (2 MB) Fröwis - Tracking Payment Flows in Ethereum pdf (3 MB) Arce - Cryptocurrencies & Counterterrorism: Cooperative Solutions for Law Enforcement Agencies pdf (753
Magnesium alloys
- /en/research-topics/alloy-development/magnesium-alloys
thixomolding to forming processes such as extrusion and forging and new types of processes such as wire arc additive manufacturing . Fire resistant magnesium alloys for forming processes For forming processes
Welding and Brazing
- /en/research-topics/wire-based-additive-manufacturing/welding-and-brazing
are used at LKR MIG/MAG, CMT (CMT Advanced and CMT TWIN) TIG (with one and two wires) and Plasma arc welding The equipment technology makes it possible to weld all materials equally. At the LKR we have
Wire-based Additive Manufacturing
- /en/research-topics/wire-based-additive-manufacturing
resulting effects on properties such as residual stresses, distortion, etc. Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAM) Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing Simulation Joining Welding & Brazing Large, complex components
- /en/research-topics/forming-technologies/projects/m4am
history. In M4AM, a novel, scale-bridging and multi-physical numerical scheme for the simulation of wire arc additive manufacturing processes will be implemented. The simulations will be systematically verified
Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing Simulation
- /en/research-topics/numerical-simulation/wire-arc-additive-manufacturing-simulation
Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing Simulation Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing Simulation Process simulation of Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) to predict the temperature distribution in the component [...] distribution in a component during a WAAM process In the field of 3D printing with metals, the wire arc addictive manufacturing process offers the possibility of producing large-volume workpieces, which
- /en/research-topics/wire-based-additive-manufacturing/projects/multi-fun
equipment for aerospace, automotive and general industrial usage. By wide usage of cost-effective wire & arc-based AM systems, complemented by efficient powder processing methods (esp. thin multi-material features)
Urban Transport Tbilisi
- /en/research-topics/integrated-mobility-systems/projects/urban-transport-tbilisi
t Agency (MSDA) was trained by AIT in using QGIS to provide an alternative to the commercial tool ArcGIS. This training has efficiently supported the strategy of MSDA to increase the use of open source
High Voltage and High Power
- /en/solutions/power-system-technologies/high-voltage-and-high-power
installations and evaluation of arc fault events Experimental arc fault testing according to EN 62271-200 and 202 as well as IEC/TR 61641 (up to 120 MVA) Learn more about arc fault testing Electromagnetic [...] corrosive atmospheres, dust, low temperatures, ice, vibration, shock, and acoustic measurements. Arc Fault Testing Arc faults in high-power, low-voltage, and medium-voltage networks can generate temperatures up [...] buildings. Evaluating arc faults is essential for implementing a reliable electrical energy supply and is required by many standards and regulations. Our Services Analytical assessments of arc fault resistance
- /en/media/arttec-at-ait
the high-voltage laboratory of the Center for Energy, Judith Fegerl chased lightning and electric arcs through various sand mixtures in July 2020. The high heat caused the sand to melt and solidify into
Judith Fegerl 2019 - 2021
- /en/media/arttec-at-ait/judith-fegerl-2019-2021
the AIT in July 2020. In the Center for Energy's high-voltage lab, she chased lightning bolts and arcs through various sand mixtures. Due to the great heat, the sand partially melted and solidified in
- /en/research-topics/acoustics-and-noise-abatement-in-the-transport-sector/projects-1
qPCR), ELISA and CFU under controlled and reproducibel conditions DGUV Forschungsförderung Danube ARC Danube Allergy Research Cluster FWF Der Wissenschaftsfonds d4agrotech Landwirtschaft 4.0 × Kontakt
Bioaerosol Research
- /en/research-topics/translate-to-english-bioresources/translate-to-english-bioaerosol-analysis-and-solution
qPCR), ELISA and CFU under controlled and reproducibel conditions DGUV Forschungsförderung Danube ARC Danube Allergy Research Cluster FWF Der Wissenschaftsfonds × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder sind mit
Wire Alloys
- /en/research-topics/alloy-development/wire-alloys
Al–Zn–Mg–Cu Alloy Designed for Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing , Materials (2020) Klein and Schnall, Control of macro-/microstructure and mechanical properties of a wire-arc additive manufactured aluminum alloy [...] aluminium-based alloys by (multi-)wire arc additive manufacturing , MATEC web of conferences (2020) Klein et al., Microstructure formation and mechanical properties of a wire-arc additive manufactured magnesium [...] klein(at)ait.ac.at Overview LKR Leichtmetallkompetenz- zentrum Ranshofen References Klein et al., Wire-arc additive manufacturing of a novel high-performance Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy: Processing, characterization
Scientific Vision Days
- /en/about-the-ait/center/center-for-vision-automation-control/translate-to-english-messen-events/scientific-vision-days
morning Click here for the video Tuesday afternoon Wednesday, 09.10.2024 10:00 3D Scanning in Plasma Arc Welding Scenarios Pablo Eugui AIT 10:20 The Lens as a Key Factor in Challenging Imaging Applications [...] Wednesday morning Click here for the video Wednesday afternoon Thursday, 10.10.2024 10:00 2D Monitoring in Arc Welding Scenarios Tomasz Michno AIT 10:20 From Reliable Scene Understanding to Enhanced 3D Reconstruction
- /en/research-topics/data-science-artificial-intelligence/projects/mal2
at MAL2 wurde für die Arbeiten im Bereich der technisch unterstützten Fake-Shop Prävention mit dem ARC Innovationspreis 2020 ausgezeichnet. Facts : Projektbeginn: January 2019 Projektdauer: 24 Monate Budget:
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