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Future concept for the decarbonisation of industrial processes

In the  program of NEFI - New Energy for Industry, the project EDCSproof (Energy Demand Control System - Process Optimization For industrial low temperature systems) is the innovation field that develops a future concept for the decarbonisation of industrial processes through the possibilities of digitization.

EDCSproof develops a future concept for the decarbonization of industrial energy supply systems through the possibilities of digitalization.

The focus is on online, predictive and holistic, reconfigurable control. The concept is optimized in the laboratory, its scalability and application possibilities for different branches of industry are examined in a technicaleconomic and ecological evaluation.
The expected project result is a broadly applicable, cross-sectoral energy concept for subsequent implementation at project partners’ sites, and for a large majority of companies. Energy efficiency and thus the competitiveness of the manufacturing industry will be increased, the share of renewable energies raised, and Austria’s pioneering role strengthened.

Project start: Oktober 2018

Project duration: 36 months

Project partner
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH (Leitung)
Technische Universität Wien - Institut für Energietechnik und Thermodynamik
Technische Universität Wien - Institut für Mechanik und Mechatronik
Montanuniversität Leoben - Lehrstuhl für Energieverbundtechnik
Wiesbauer Holding AG (Wien) mit Wiesbauer Gourmet (Reidling, NÖ)
Fischer Brot GmbH (Linz, OÖ)
ILF Consulting Engineers Austria GmbH
evon GmbH
kleinkraft OG

Funding tool: e!MISSION, Vorzeigeregion Energie 2017

Website: https://www.nefi.at/en/project/edcsproof