With the increasing connectivity of safety-critical systems, and with CPS (cyber-physical systems) and the upcoming IoT (internet of things) in mind, there is a need to consider safety and security together.
Safety & Security co-engineering enables methods, tools and technological solutions for security engineering of safety-critical cyber-physical systems in domains such as smart production/Industry 4.0, automotive and railway, while being compliant to domain-specific safety and security standards. Considering safety and security together enables an increase in efficiency while intelligent architecture decisions allows to update security solutions without impacting safety qualification.
Innovative and efficient security design and architecture analysis methods and tools are developed and used in our daily research and development work, including enhanced threat modelling tools, model-based security analysis and security architecture design for mission critical systems. We conduct threat research and security testing on embedded systems and IoT to ensure that our security concepts and designs are keeping up with the actual threat landscape. A special focus is on collaborative and dynamic systems.