The amount of data available and produced every day is exploding – data has become an important raw material that is of high importance in nearly every industry sector worldwide. Therefore, a vital data economy and a successfully working Data-Services Ecosystem in Austria is one of the factors to enable and ensure sustainable employment and growth and thereby societal stability and well-being. The Data Market Austria Project is creating a Data-Services Ecosystem in Austria by advancing technology foundations for secure data markets and cloud interoperability, and creating an environment encouraging data-centred innovation.
Data-Market Austria (DMA) will
1) advance Technology Foundations by (i) using blockchain techniques to allow resilience through a decentralized approach; (ii) developing the technology basis for data and service brokerage; and (iii) developing processing and analysing approaches that have acceptable processing speed while fusing multiple data sources, each subject to potentially different security and tracking requirements;
2) create a Data Innovation Environment by building a community of stakeholders (SMEs, start-ups, large enterprises, academics, public administration) around the Data-Services Ecosystem;
3) interconnect Clouds by developing the technology for transparent but controlled access to distributed services, and to public and proprietary data through the Data Market Austria Portal; and
4) persuade with Pilots that demonstrate the reuse of data and services and resulting value generated through innovative applications within the Earth Observation and Mobility application areas.
Through the Pilots, the Austrian mobility and space communities will be well established in the Ecosystem, with further communities beginning to use it. The start-up and SME support during the project will lead to first demonstrations of commercial use of the Ecosystem. AIT leads the Data Technology Foundation work package and is responsible for data management in the project. AIT also contributes to community involvement and researching societal Issues in context of DMA.
- Project duration: October 2016 – September 2019
- Funding: The Data Market Austria project is partially funded by the “ICT of the Future” Programme of the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) and the Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT).
- Coordination: Research Studios Austria Forschungsgesellschaft
- Partner: Catalysts, Compass, Danube University Krems, EODC Earth Observation Data Centre for Water Resources Monitoring GmbH, INiTS Universitäres Gründerservice Wien, JOANNEUM RESEARCH, Know-Center GmbH, Lefkopoulos KG – bouncingbytes, Semantic Web Company GmbH, Siemens AG Austria, T-Mobile Austria GmbH, T-Systems Austria GmbH, TDA Trusted Data Analytics GmbH & Co KG, Wikimedia Austria, Zentralanstalt für Meterologie und Geodynamik