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Design of an IOC-based early warning system

KONzeption IOC BaSierTen FrühwArNSystEm

Through the NIS Act, the Federal Ministry of the Interior has been tasked with developing proactive ICT solutions that identify risks and incidents of network and information systems at an early stage. In the scope of this, AIT was commissioned to design a concept for an early warning system based on Indicators Of Compromise (IOC). The primary goal is the early detection of dangers in computer networks, as well as an effective information exchange with the addressees of the NIS law.

Our implementation in overview:

  • Design of a technically, operationally and organizationally mature IOC-based early warning system.
  • A detailed project plan that seamlessly integrated procurement, budget control, and a phased rollout.
  • Ensuring project success through intensive collaboration with the client and customization tailored to the stakeholders' technical and organizational capabilities.


Inspired by European pioneers such as Finland, Germany and Spain, which have already implemented similar systems, a high-level architecture was developed. The requirements of a wide range of stakeholders, such as the BMI, the CERT/CSIRTs and, in particular, the public administration institutions and the operators of essential services as customers of the solution, were collected via workshops, interviews and a large-scale survey.

The concept was optimized step by step. In the process, the many technical and organizational options for both implementation and operation were examined in detail. These were evaluated by means of in-depth, multi-layer risk and opportunity management. As a result, we presented a high-level architecture that serves as the core of the concept. The concept also includes a phased rollout plan, as well as detailed technical and organizational aspects for implementation and operation, and was prepared for further award to potential solution providers and implementers.


The secret of our success: bridging the gap between university research and industrial application, AIT is a key player in the development of state-of-the-art concepts. Our international project experience and networking played a major role in incorporating the experience of neighboring EU countries into the concept design. This was complemented by the expertise of Deutsche Telekom Cyber Security Austria (formerly T-Systems), an industry expert with deep, operational experience in information security. This partnership ensured the first-class quality and applicability of our developed concepts.
Thanks to our expertise and targeted partnerships, we have taken a decisive step towards a more secure digital future. This project serves as a milestone and reference for future ventures.

Duration November 2022 - July 2023

Client: Federal Ministry of the Interior

Grant Program: Federal Procurement GmbH, Design of an IOC Based Early Warning System 3692.04313