Quietening the Environment for sustainable Surface Transport
The QUIESST project addressed surface transport noise abatement (road and rail), considered cost benefit analysis and focused on the objective to reduce the amount of people exposed to noise. It covered true holistic noise abatement solutions through wave propagation and systems for passive compensation. The project team, consisting of 13 partners from 8 countries, integrated the relevant stakeholders: infrastructure operators, industry, universities, research institutes and SME.
Objectives of the project
- Further development of in-situ measurement methods for in-situ testing of noise barriers
- Investigation of the measurement uncertainty of the measurement methods
- Relationship between in situ and laboratory methods
- Development of a European database with the acoustic properties of noise barriers
- Simulation of sound fields on noise barriers
- Sustainable use of noise barriers by targeted application of the in-situ method
This project has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2008-2013) under grant agreement No 233730.