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Does basic research need to become more "applied"?

Matthias Weber discusses at a breakout session as part of the "think.beyond Summit"

A breakout session at the "think.beyond Summit" focussed on the economic benefits of basic research and thus the relationship between science and application. It turned out that the supposed opposites are not. One of the greatest challenges of the future is the acceleration of technological development.

Matthias Weber (Head of Center for Innovation Systems and Policy, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology), Ruth Breu (computer scientist, University of Innsbruck), Christoph Neumayer (Secretary General of the Federation of Austrian Industries), Gabriel Felbermayr (Director of WIFO) and FWF President Christof Gattringer discussed the breakout session "From idea to innovation: How excellent research secures Austria's future".

"think.beyond" - the name of the new dialogue platform of the Austrian Science Fund FWF already contains its programme and objective: in an exchange with stakeholders of the Austrian research and innovation system, the format aims to identify and critically discuss new ways and models for improving it beyond the familiar.

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