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Neues ISP Insight Video berichtet über Ergebnisse des EU Projekts DigiTeRRI

The EU project DigiTeRRI empowers 3 traditional industry regions to harness the opportunities presented by digitalisation. The project has co-created a framework and roadmaps for a responsible transition to self-sustaining, digitalised industrial innovation ecosystems. It has worked out the challenges in the interplay between business, academia, government and society to initiate openness, democratic accountability and responsiveness in a process that will in turn promote resilience within these new, digitalised innovation ecosystems. Important attributes for this transition are also gender equality, science education, open access, public engagement, and ethics, which support both organisations and citizens in adapting the transformation that is revolutionising research, industry, economy, & society. Finally, 12 actions, based on the roadmap goals and objectives in each territory have been developed and implemented. The DigiTeRRI Conference will take place on October 20-21 in Vienna (https://conference.digiterri.eu/) This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement nº 873010.

Watch Video with project coordinator Marianne Hörlesberger


Read more about the project in our Innovation Systems & Policy Insight