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Symbolfoto: Das AIT ist Österreichs größte außeruniversitäre Forschungseinrichtung

How to look into the future

The magazine Arbeit & Wirtschaft reports about Augmented Reality (AR) and visited the AIT Center for Technology Experience.

At the AIT Center for Technology Experience, researchers are intensively engaged in the use of AR and VR technologies, for example as assistance in industrial production and the associated special requirements for such systems.  Contrary to the fears of job loss through robots and the replacement of human labor by artificial intelligence systems, the Technology Experience research sees in Industry 4.0 and digitization technologies an opportunity for efficient assistance systems that support people in their daily work in the best possible way. Thus physical and mental workload can be reduced.

For the September edition of the magazine "Arbeit & Wirtschaft", an editorial team visited the AR experts at AIT to learn more about these glasses in the context of workload.

The current issue can be found here (Report page 32-36):

Arbeit & Wirtschaft / Ausgabe September 2020

AIT-Contact: Sebastian Egger-Lampl