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AIT and WU organize International Sustainability Transitions Conference


The AIT Center for Innovation Systems and Policy is organizing the 11th IST International Sustainabilty Transitions Conference together with WU. The conference theme "Governance in an era of change" will be the focus of the conference. Originally, IST2020 was supposed to take place from 18-21 August at WU in Vienna. Due to COVID-19 the Local Organizing Committee decided to switch the conference to a virtual event. For this purpose, new formats have been developed, such as the IST2020 Gallery.

This new format combines flexible access to contributions and the option of live discussions on thematically grouped contributions. Contributions to the IST2020 Gallery are prerecorded and will be made accessible during the whole conference. In addition to the classic session formats such as Full Paper Sessions, Speed Talks and Dialogue Sessions, there will be plenty of opportunities for online networking.

The program will be completed with Yoga Breaks, a musical highlight from Vienna and a cooperation with the Ganymed project, which brings art from the Kunsthistorisches Museum closer to the audience.

Registration for the conference is already open. More about it