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IFIP Summer School on Privacy and Identity Management

Aug 20-24
Fairness, accountability and transparency in the age of big data

Welcome to the IFIP Summers school
The 13th International IFIP Summer School on Privacy and Identity Management – Fairness, accountability and transparency in the age of big data will take place on 20-24 August 2018 in Vienna, Austria. The summer school is hosted by AIT Austrian Institute of Technology.

Holistic approach and interdisciplinarity
The IFIP Summer Schools take a holistic approach to society and technology and support interdisciplinary exchange through keynote and plenary lectures, tutorials, workshops, and research paper presentations. In particular, participants’ contributions that combine technical, legal, regulatory, socio-economic, social or societal, political, ethical, anthropological, philosophical, or psychological perspectives are welcome. The interdisciplinary character of the work is fundamental to the School.

Workshops and scientific papers
The research paper presentations and the workshops have a particular focus on involving students, and on encouraging the publication of high-quality, thorough research papers by students/young researchers.

Best paper award and Springer
To this end, the School has a three-phase review process for submitted papers. In the first phase submitted papers are reviewed and selected for presentation at the School. After the School, these papers are revised to benefit from the discussion that occurred at the School, and are then reviewed again for inclusion in the School’s proceedings which will be published by Springer.
Every year an award is given for the Best Student Paper.
Submissions by senior researchers and participants in European, national, or regional/community research projects are also very welcome, and are generally published in a separate section of the book volume.

For further information visit: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ifipsc2018

Submissions Extended

Abstracts (2-4 pages) should be submitted via the Easychair System: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ifipsc2018