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AIT Show-Cases for the OSCE Agenda 2018

Lighthouse projects in Rotterdam/Glasgow and Astana

At the Kick off-Meeting in early 2018 two AIT projects were listed on the Environment Agenda 2018 of the OSCE, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe.

The OSCE focus is put in 2018 on the topic ‚Digital Economy‘. In this framework the AIT showed with the project RUGGEDISED how local industries and young entrepreneurs can benefit from the digitalization of cities. Together with its partners the AIT installed Smart City Pilot Zones in Rotterdam and Glasgow, and is responsible for innovation management, monitoring and for the evaluation and scientific quality control. 

For the Kasach capital Astana the AIT has demonstrated how artificial intelligence can be used for planning new sustainable city districts by offering at the same time a novel way of city decision making processes. Thus, climate and energy performance is optimized, investments and future revenues for administration and industry can be perceived. 

The AIT Center for Energy is a strong partner worldwide and offers solutions to industry and public administrations to create the smart, resilient cities of tomorrow. 

Information: Nikolas Neubert