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Symbolfoto: Das AIT ist Österreichs größte außeruniversitäre Forschungseinrichtung

"I AM ONLINE!" - A student conference

AIT on future topics at the 5th Tyrolean IT-Day
"Ich bin online!" Sch�lerInnenkonferenz

Credit: APA-Fotoservice/Jan Hetfleisch

At the youth conference "I AM ONLINE!" experts discussed with students and teachers about technological changes, research and the working environment of tomorrow. This innovative format with the pedagogical e-focus is held all over Austria. In Innsbruck, the event took place in cooperation with the 5th Tyrolean IT Day and 300 young people participated.

Many future-oriented topics were discussed, such as Industry 4.0, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Internet Security and Privacy, as well as Social Media. Additionally, help for secure internet surfing was offered, and questions like what is an "electronic identity and signature" and what is important in the recruiting and working process for the growing digital generation were reviewed and talked about.