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Project ReFlex: COP Workshop in Wüstenrot


The first Community of Practice (COP) workshop, organized in the framework of the EU-funded Project ReFlex, took place from the 13th to 15th March 2017 in Wüstenrot, a village close to Stuttgart in Germany. This event brought together up to 30 participants: Swedish, German, Austrian and Swiss project partners, stakeholders and experts of the seven running demo sites participating in the ReFlex project.  AIT was represented by Doris Wilhelmer, Gudrun Haindlmaier, Klaus Kubeczko (Center for Innovation Systems & Policy) and Peter Fröhlich (Center for Technology Experience).

The main objectives of this event were to learn from the field-testing experiments carried out by the ReFlex partners, to identify and to discuss crosscutting issues (marketplace, stakeholders and technology) encountered in the demo regions and, furthermore, to agree upon research questions to be followed up.

The first afternoon session, scheduled on Monday 13th March 2017, was dedicated to the demo site Wüstenrot. The short introduction, made by representatives of the Municipality of Wüstenrot, Timo Wolf (mayor), and Rebecca Scheuermann, was followed by two presentations held by Jann Binder from  ZSW and Marcus Brennenstuhl from HFT Stuttgart. The participants got first insights into the EnVisaGe project aiming at accelerating the transformation of the Municipality of Wüstenrot towards a plus-energy community. The first event day was completed by a guided tour through the plus-energy neighborhood “Vordere Viehweide” and ended with a joint dinner at the venue, the Evangelische Tagungsstätte Löwenstein in Löwenstein-Reisach.  

Klaus Kubeczko from AIT started the second event day, on Tuesday 14th March 2017, with a short welcome and ReFlex project presentation. During the morning session, a poster gallery offered the opportunity for the participants to talk to and get feedback from demo site representatives as well as to have a better overview of the smart grid projects and their highlights. Afterwards, different key topics were discussed in smaller groups. During the afternoon session of the second event day, discussions were continued in two consecutives parallel sessions. Afterwards, the moderators reported in the plenary session the results of the group discussions and the key issues considered by the participants. Finally, the participants were asked to identify replicability issues to be addressed at the next ReFlex event. The workshop ended with a “walk and dine” event sponsored by the Municipality of Wüstenrot.

The ReFlex core team members were invited to take part in a debriefing workshop on Wednesday 15th of March 2017, to discuss the agenda for the next COP 2 and 3 (issues and target groups), as well as dates and details of the next events.

Further information