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State Award for Mobility 2015

Project „Highlight“ was nominated for the State Award in the category of „Forschen. Entwickeln. Neue Wege weisen.“

On June, 22nd, 2015, the State Award for Mobilitythe highest award - was given by the Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (bmvit), through Alois Stöger in the Palais Ferstel (Vienna). The very best 12 projects out of 90 submissions were presented to the public and four winners were chosen on Monday evening.


The project “Highlight” was submitted by Mobimera Fairkehrstechnologien KG. It addresses improved perception in road traffic through demand-driven street lighting. The AIT Mobility Department played a central role within the project consortium and evaluated those dynamic infrastructural safety measures in front of a pedestrian crossing. Behavior with regard to speed and willingness to stop was measured using sensors, in order to obtain an objective before-and-after comparison.

Here you can find more information about the project.


The State Award of Mobility 2015 was given to:

  • ways4me in the category of „Forschen. Entwickeln. Neue Wege weisen.“
    Submitted by Joanneum University of Applied Sciences
  • TTA Drive in the category of „Beschäftigung sichern. Wirtschaft stärken.“
    Submitted by TTTech Computertechnik AG
  • Enns Multimodal in the category of „Planen. Bauen. Betreiben.“
    Submitted by Container Terminal Enns GmbH
  • UNTERWEGS in the category of „Ausbilden. Bewusstsein schaffen.“
    Submitted by University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna