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R&D Roadmap: Energy efficiency in energy intensive industries

Based on a participative foresight process an R&D roadmap was developed with representatives from energy intensive industries from Austria. The roadmap identified the R&D topics and framework conditions to develop technologies which allow to drastically increase the energy efficiency in the industry until 2050. 

Key Words: R&D Roadmap, energy efficiency, R&D planning, energy intensive industries

Start: 2014

Duration: 1 year

Funded by: Climate and Energy Fund (KLIEN)

Project partner: Energy Institute at the Johannes Kepler University Linz 

Website: https://www.klimafonds.gv.at/service/broschueren/f-and-e-fahrplan-energieeffizienz-in-der-energieintensiven-industrie/

Contact: Karl-Heinz Leitner