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Symbolfoto: Das AIT ist Österreichs größte außeruniversitäre Forschungseinrichtung

With the increasing integration of information technologies into vehicles, security is becoming a major concern in the automotive industry. The Austrian (FFG-)project TRUSTED contributed to solving this issue by developing techniques for testing security of automotive autonomous applications, analyzed their impact on the safety functionality, and applied these techniques in a co-simulation environment.

The upcoming eConnected and autonomous vehicles as well as connected embedded devices in many application areas require higher level of security, safety, and privacy than their conventional counterparts. Verification and validation in general, and security testing in particular are integral part of building trustworthy ICT systems. The TRUSTED project took an attack-driven approach to black-box testing of automotive systems as well as embedded devices and developed novel solutions for effective and efficient security testing at different levels of abstraction in the system development lifecycle. With this approach, existing knowledge of attacks is modelled and simulated with guided-random search to explore potential weaknesses of an automotive system-under-test. The project demonstrated the results in real world use-cases.



Project duration: November 2019 – October 2022

Coordination: AVL List GmbH

Budget: 1,4 M€

Funding: 0,9 M€

Partner (i.a.):  Graz Technical University