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SHEtech - Women in future jobs

Nov 19
An online conference organised by Sheconomy in cooperation with the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology and NTT

Science and business agree that the need for more women in technology and the natural sciences still has the same significance. The aim is to make the tech sector appealing to as many women as possible and at the same time to show how many great female technicians there are already, who are already doing impressive work in various disciplines in the most diverse companies and institutions. What have their employers done right? What can we learn from each other?

Together with the women's business magazine Sheconomy and our partners NTT, Porsche Holding / IT, Zühlke, Wiener Netze and Magenta we are organizing the online conference SHEtech. Not only to make the tech industry appealing to as many women as possible, but also to show how many great female technicians already exist who are doing impressive work in a wide range of disciplines. They deserve visibility - at this conference and beyond.

THE FOLLOWING PROGRAM AWAITS YOU: (Conference language German)

17:30 Intro SHEconomy (Carina Felzmann, Herausgeberin) & AIT (Helmut Leopold, AIT Genderbeauftragter und Head of Center for Digital Safety & Security)
Mit einer Grußbotschaft von Bundesministerin Leonore Gewessler, BA / BMK

17:45 Science Impulse zu Technology & Jobs:
Impuls 1: KI vs. Fake News­– Mina Schütz, MA, Dissertantin
Impuls 2: Cybersicherheit von IT-Systemen – Dr. Maria Leitner, Scientist
Impuls 3: Forensik in virtuellen Währungen wie Bitcoin & Co – Dr. Sophia Rollet, Scientist

18:15 Eröffnung Nora Lawender, CEO NTT Ltd. Austria

Anschließend Round Table »How to attract women for these future jobs«:
Was erwarten sich junge Frauen in Hightech-Berufen vom Arbeitgeber? Was braucht es in Unternehmen? Was unternehmen Firmen um Frauen zu fördern? Wie werden diese Projekte implementiert?
Mit: Barbara Hotwagner (Head of Competence Unit, Zühlke), Sabine Bothe (HR-Leitung, Magenta), Astrid Wieland (ThenewITGirls), Irmgard Gmachl (Abteilungsleiterin New Vehicle Stock & Order Systems, Porsche Informatik GmbH)

19:00 Interaktive Break-Out Sessions
Break Out 1: How women innovate … Energy mit Michaela Leonhardt (OVE Fem) & Isabelle Reiter (Wiener Netze)
Break Out 2: How women innovate … IT mit Astrid Wieland und Kristina Maria Brandstetter (thenewITGirls) & tba
Break Out 3: How women innovate … Mobility mitWomen in Mobility & tba
Break Out 4: How women innovate … Stadt der Zukunft / Smart Cities mit ÖGUT, Salon Real & Susanne Formanek (Grünstattgrau)
Break Out 5: How women innovate ... AI und Robotics mit tba
Break Out 6: How women innovate… deep tech & Start-ups mit Nika Mizerski, Techstory & Dr. Anna Lukasson-Herzig, Nyris

19:30 Verabschiedung


SHEtech Online Konferenz: »Women in future jobs«