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Symbolfoto: Das AIT ist Österreichs größte außeruniversitäre Forschungseinrichtung

Conflicts over Large Infrastructure Projects


What do the third runway of the Vienna International Airport, the 380 kV power ring line and the Semmering tunnel have in common? Correct answer: in all three cases highly controversial discussions led major delays in project implementation, sometimes for decades, and to a steep rise in project costs.

On 1 September Senior Scientist Peter Biegelbauer from the AIT Center for Innovation Systems and Policy gave a keynote speech at the TU Braunschweig with the title “Infrastructure Projects in Austria: Everyone against Everyone”. The presentation was part of a conference on the escalation of conflicts over large infrastructure projects. Research findings from Germany were confronted with perspectives from Denmark, Switzerland and Austria, displaying a broad range of strategies regarding the way in which such conflicts are handled. By way of comparison good practices were found especially in Denmark.
