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Stefan Seer and Markus Clabian in an Austrian television interview with ORF’s science program "newton"


Stefan Seer, Crowd Dynamics expert at the Mobility Department, and Markus Clabian, expert for security technologies in the field of automated border control and project manager of the EU project FastPass at the Digital Safety & Security Department, had an interview with the ORF science program “newton”.

Stefan Seer spoke about current applications and the potential of the latest technologies for more sustainable and efficient ways of planning and operating public environments. He elaborated how 3D sensors enable us to better understand pedestrian movement and presented novel simulation methods to optimize crowd flows in airports, train stations and public spaces.

Markus Clabian gave an insight into the current state of research activities around the next generation of security technologies for automated border control, which are led by AIT in large European research projects such as Fastpass (https://www.fastpass-project.eu//).

Watch the full newton episode from April 30th, 2016 on ORF eins: https://youtu.be/gYNDCwlww_o