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The Future of Tokyo?

Google Japan invited AIT’s Crowd Dynamics expert Stefan Seer

Google Japan invited Crowd Dynamics expert Stefan Seer of the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Mobility Department, to discuss how Tokyo can employ technologies to better understand what its citizens want from the Olympic legacy infrastructure.

Astro Teller, Captain of Moonshots at Google’s innovation lab Google[x], kicked off the event by emphasizing that failures in public infrastructure planning must be recognized and rectified as early as possible – ideally in simulated, virtual environments and based on sound, scientific research on human walking behavior. This call for action was answered by Stefan Seer’s presentation that detailed his research on Crowd Dynamics, especially recent simulation models that combine different levels of human decision making.
In a panel with Masataka Baba (CEO of Open A Ltd.) and Kisaburo Ishii (Former Vice-Minister of Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Japan) Stefan Seer explored new design approaches to plan and manage the public spaces of the future and discussed technology innovation with the audience, which was composed of Japanese senior government officials and business leaders. The event was hosted by Google and Mitsubishi Estate on 11th September 2015 at the Otemachi Financial City Conference Center in Tokyo.
