MetabuildingLabs - EU-wide network of test facilities and innovation service providers for new building envelope technologies and products
The MetabuildingLabs project (G.A. Nº 953193) is a five-year EU project funded under the Horizon 2020 program whose main objectives are to increase the innovation potential and market impact of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the European building sector and improve their competitiveness.
The consortium consisting of 40 partners from 12 countries, including Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Poland, Spain, Sweden and Turkey, ensures the construction sector easy access to a broad network of more than 100 high-quality testing facilities (laboratories, test beds, pilot buildings and real laboratories), enabling innovative systems and solutions for next-generation buildings. Through the metaclustering approach used, more than 180 European clusters are integrated in the project with which more than 30,000 SMEs from all European regions can be addressed.
The platform serves as a virtual single entry point for innovation support and services of the European building ecosystem in general and in particular for Open Innovation Testbed (OITB) services developed within the MetabuildingLab project.
Project objectives include:
- Build a future-proof, extensible, competitive, sustainable and inclusive European innovation ecosystem for the building sector and establish an OITB network.
- Stimulate investment in building envelope and new technologies by providing test evidence on material and system performance for companies and investors
- Improve the technical and environmental quality of building products in Europe through state-of-the-art testing facilities and innovation support for technology developers.
- Exploit SME potential by providing access to services and infrastructures for prototyping, testing and certification, and improve the quality of new products and solutions.
- Test user acceptance and environmental requirements of products by using Living Labs solutions.
Project Partner
Nobatek/INEF4 (Projektkoordinator), European Construction Technology Platform, European Aluminium, European Network of Living Labs, Housing Europe, Hormipresa, Research Institute of Sweden, Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung, Austrian Institute of Technology, Quality Control and Innovation in Building, Instytut Techniki Budowlanej, National University of Ireland Galway, Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum der Steinbeis Innovation GGmbH, Centre Scientifique et Technique de la Construction, Ecowise Ekodenge LTD, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Coveris, Terrell, Edilians, Poly-Ouvrages, Materalia, Aramis, Built Enviroment Commons, Sviluppo Tecnologie e Ricerca per L´edilizia Sismicamente Sicura ed Ecosostenibile Scarl, R2M Solution, Federazione delle Construzioni, Casa S.p.A., Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria, Onyx Solar Energy SL, Indra Soluciones TI, S.L.U, Fundación Cartif, Idonial Technology Center, Fundación Tekniker, Viviendas del Principado de Asturias, University of the Basque Country, Spanish Construction Technological Platform, Ekodenge, T.C. Basaksehir Belediyesi, Arcelormittal Innovación investigación e Inversión S.L.U, Impulse Partners