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UMIT TIROL cooperates with AIT in the field of medical informatics - telehealth services

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology supports five training places for students of the Master's programme in Medical Informatics at the private university UMIT TIROL in Hall in Tyrol

As part of an innovation partnership between AIT, UMIT TIROL University and the Tyrol Clinics, the largest non-university research institution in the Republic of Austria, the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, is making it possible for five students to train in the Master's programme in Medical Informatics at UMIT TIROL. The five students will have the opportunity to work on research projects at AIT and gain practical experience in the fields of medical informatics, telemedicine and software development parallel to their studies.

For many years, AIT has been a leader in Austria and internationally in the Center for Health & Bioresources, with the Competence Unit Digital Health Information Systems, and develops infrastructure, process and software applications in the field of telehealth services, data integration and artificial intelligence. The five students will be selected by UMIT TIROL. Interested students can apply for a place on the Master's degree programme in Medical Informatics at UMIT TIROL and the position as a project employee at AIT until August 1, 2021 at studienmanagement(at)umit.at. Interested parties can find all information about the training positions at www.umit-tirol.at/dhis.

Medical informatics is a key discipline for high-quality health care

Starting in autumn 2021, the Tyrolean private university UMIT TIROL will offer a promising four-semester Master's programme in Medical Informatics, whose graduates will be able to actively shape the development of digitalisation in healthcare as experts. In terms of content, the Master's programme focuses on the core topics of medical informatics: clinical information systems, health networking and eHealth, health data and decision science as well as biomedical technology. Organisationally, the four-semester programme, which concludes with the academic title Master of Science (MSc) in Medical Informatics, is divided into attendance phases at the University campus in Hall in Tyrol, phases of supervised self-study, an internship and the Master's thesis. The study programme is designed in such a way that it is compatible with part-time employment or family commitments. Interested parties can find all information on the Master's programme in Medical Informatics at www.umit-tirol.at/mmi.

All Information: Alle Informationen unter: https://www.umit-tirol.at/page.cfm?vpath=universitaet/aktuell&genericpageid=168582