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EU-standardization initiative for crisis and disaster management has begun

AIT chairs this initiative, which deals with the optimization of the interdisciplinary exchange of information among the action force involved

On 1 March 2017 the initiative of the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) entitled "Terminologies in Crisis and Disaster Management" was launched in Brussels. This project, which runs until 30 September 2017, is intended to create a first version of a new thesaurus, which will help crisis managers and other actors to avoid misunderstandings when exchanging information with partners from other countries and / or areas of use such as fire brigades and police. Especially in the coping phase of catastrophes misunderstandings can lead to wrong decisions with potentially unpredictable consequences. The project is being carried out by the consortia of the European research projects EPISECC, SecInCore, SECTOR and ConCorde, as well as by the French Ministry for the Environment, Energy and the Sea, and supervised by the German Institute for Standardization (DIN). The AIT expert Georg Neubauer was elected chairman of the initiative. Beyond this initiative the further development and implementation of the thesaurus as an IT service is planned.


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