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Battery Energy Storage System and (PV) inverter testing

Battery Energy Storage System and (PV) inverter testing

Evaluation of full systems or components regarding performance, safety, durability and grid​ integration with high power, high dynamics test benches on component and system level. 

Battery Energy Storage Systems

Performance assessment and grid integration  of (PV) inverters and battery energy storage systems according to EN50530 & EN61683 and the BVES/BSW efficiency guideline etc.​
Full system testing, including: 

  • Inverter conversion and MPPT efficiency, grid compliance​
  • Battery efficiency, capacity and safety of cells​
  • ICT interoperability testing - Control speed and accuracy

 Power Conversion System​

  • Grid integration testing according to national and international standards: VDE AR N 4105, VDE 0124-100, VDE 0126-1-1, EN 50438, EN 50549-1/2, BDEW, FGW TR3, CEI0-21 & CEI0-16​
  • Performance testing according to EN50530 & EN61683 for PV inverters and BVES / BSW Efficiency guideline for PV storage systems​
  • EMC testing, immunity testing, safety testing and fault analysis of relevant power conversion system components​

Cell and Battery​

  • Accredited testing of electrical, mechanical, environmental and safety aspects according to IEC 61427, IEC 62133, IEC 62281, IEC 60068-2, UN38.3, ISO 9227, EN 1097-6; ISO 9277 and ISO 13317​
  • Testing of functionality and functional safety with hardware-in-the-loop test bench and real system under controlled conditions​
  • Components and cells diagnostic using multi-directional metrology incl. post-mortem analysis and in-situ technics​
  • Efficiency of the battery according to IEC 61427-2 (2013) Secondary Cells and Batteries for Renewable Energy Storage - General requirements and methods of test - Part 2: On-grid applications or/ and to the test procedures of the BVES/BSW Efficiency guideline for PV storage systems (Battery test is applicable for all types of stationary battery systems) ​

ICT & Controls​

  • ICT Interoperability testing (e.g. on SunSpec compliance)​
  • End-to-end functionality tests from communication interface to power interface​
  • Integration tests with external third-party devices such as sensors, PV systems & grid operator gateways​
  • Controller Hardware-in-the-Loop (CHIL) testing for controllers of stationary battery systems​

System Integration and acceptance testing including relevant components and services​

  • Laboratory test in the AIT Smart EST laboratory Full emulation of AC grid, PV array, battery and load components up to 1 MW. ​
  • On-Site testing at the customer side (e.g. for validation of the battery capacity against the data-sheet specifications)​
  • Field tests – Long term monitoring, data analysis and benchmarking ​