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IAMOT 2017 Conference

Mai 14-18

The AIT Austrian Institute of Technology and ASMET (The Austrian Society for Metallurgy and Materials) welcome you to the 26th International Association for Management of Technology Conference (IAMOT 2017) at Tech Gate Vienna, May 14-18, 2017.

Innovation systems face new challenges in the digitalization. Organizations must innovate in order to succeed over time. An increasing portion of this innovation is enabled or driven by digital technologies. New products, services, operations, business models, industrial arrangements, work organization have all been dramatically influenced by the digital technologies. New work skills are required. On the other hand resilience through differentiation could give new changes for smallscale structure regions in the age of globalization.

IAMOT is a platform for discussing theoretical frameworks and concepts of the latest findings in MoT (Management of Technology), management / governing of innovation systems, and R&D concepts, technology transfer, theory of technology. The last years conferences brought in future thinking and foresight methodologies for MoT and innovation systems.

The objective of IAMOT 2017 is to offer a scope for science, research, and management for discussing the specific effects of digital technologies on different forms of innovation.

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