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Urban API

AIT Energy develops urban planning tool for urban governance

The urbanAPI project provides urban planners with the tools needed to actively analyse, plan and manage the urban environment. The project consortium under the lead of Frauenhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research IGD created a tool to give answers to following questions:

  • How to support citizen & stakeholer engangement in the planning decision making process?
  • How to understand the socio-economic dynamic of cities and city regions?
  • How to communicate the future development perspectives of cities and city regions?

The urbanAPI project, funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission, based on the principles of top-down and bottom-up up engagement in the decision-making process, delivers intelligent and integrated tools supporting effective citizen centred urban governance targeting both pan-European and global markets.

About the Tool Urban API

3 D Scenario CreatorUsing 3D virtual and augmented reality visuali¬sations the general effects and the visual impact of urban development plans can be shown as realisti¬cally as possible. Virtual representations of planning decisions are the most convenient and understandable solution for presenting spatial planning alternatives to the public.Mobility ExplorerIn today’s world, wireless mobile communication devices establish and support permanent interconnectedness between people, places and urban infrastructure. Mobile communication services allow the exploration of communication traces, describing human sojourn and activity patterns.Urban Development SimulatorThe urban region development simulation helps to understand large scale consequences of spatial planning decisions in a complex urban system.


Frauenhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research IGD, AIT Energy, GeoVille GmbH, AEW srl, Centro de Estudios Ambientales, Agency for Sustainable Development and Eurointegration – ECOREGIONS, Magistrat der Stadt Wien, Commune di Bologna