Presentation “Innovation Procurement: The Austrian Strategic Policy Approach”
Eva Buchinger
Conference “European Assistance for Innovation Procurement (eafip) Initiative” 27-28th October 2015, City Hall Paris
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Impulsvortrag: Ergebnisse der ERAC “Task Force on Innovation Procurement“
Eva Buchinger
Horizon 2020: Neue Forschungs- und Innovationsschwerpunkte 2016/17
September 22nd, 2015, FFG Vienna
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NCP-Academy Meeting & Training “Understanding Innovation Procurement”
May 11-12, 2014, FFG Vienna
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AIT Lecture: "The Global Innovation Imperative – Strength and Challenges of the US Innovation System"
May 8, 2015
Lecture Charles Wessner (Georgetown University)
ERAC Task-Force on Public Procurement of Innovation.
Meeting Den Haag 2015-01-19 hosted by Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Netherlands
ERAC Task-Force on Public Procurement of Innovation.
Meeting Brussles 2014-09-10 hosted by Flemish Department of Economy, Science and Innovation
ERAC Task-Force on Public Procurement of Innovation.
Meeting Vienna 2014-05-27 hosted by the Austrian Institute of Technology
ERAC Task-Force on Public Procurement of Innovation.
Meeting Tallin 2014-03-24 hosted by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communication
Keynote: Kommunale Beschaffung - Profitieren vom Beitrag zu Innovation und Nachhaltigkeit
Eva Buchinger
NÖ Energie- Umwelt Gemeindetag
6. September 2013, St. Pölten Landtagssaal
Keynote: Sustainable and Innovation Promoting Public Procurement
Eva Buchinger (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology)
12th IAS-STS Annual Conference
“Critical Issues in Science and Technology Studies”
Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technology and Society (IAS-STS)
6.-7. Mai 2013
Graz - Austria
Innovationsfördernde und nachhaltige öffentliche Beschaffung
31. Oktober 2012
Konferenz und Messe für öffentliche BeschafferInnen von Gemeinde, Bund und Länder sowie Unternehmen
Mehr darüber
AIT Lecture: Public Procurement and Innovation
14. Juni 2012
Lecture von Stephan Corvers (Corvers Procurement Services bv, NL) & Round Table „Exchanging Dutch and Austrian Procurement Experiences“
29. März 2012
IÖB-Praxisworkshop im Rahmen der BBG-Messe "Nutzen.Leben 2012“
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Demand, Innovation and Policy: Underpinning Policy Trends with Academic Analysis
22. und 23. März 2012
Conference at the Manchester Institute of Innovation Research, MBS, University of Manchester
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