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Symbolfoto: Das AIT ist Österreichs größte außeruniversitäre Forschungseinrichtung


Software solution for smartphone-based travel mode and route identification

Innovative solutions for tracking movement data

MODE software technology uses smartphones to automatically track the distances travelled and transport modes used, thus enabling software developers, system integrators and transport operators to design innovative mobility services. MODE provides the missing link for the development of innovative mobility services: automatic, reliable recognition of the means of transport used, and travelled routes using smartphones.


MODE: big data, big advantage

  • Reliable identification of the used means of transport 
  • Easy integration in existing systems 
  • No user interaction required 
  • Professional support and scientific expertise from the AIT 
  • Implementation of real-time applications 
  • Privacy and data protection are an inherent part of the software design concept
  • Low impact on battery 

MODE, applied

  • Next generation mobility surveys – superior data quality 
  • Multimodal e-ticketing systems allow seamless mobility and convenience 
  • Automated travel time calculation for information and monitoring systems

How it works



Capturing routes and transport modes

The MODE Software Library automatically tracks all routes in the background while having a low impact on battery life. In addition to the transport modes used (on foot, bike, motorcycle, car, bus, tram, subway and train), simple trip purposes are also tracked.

Secure and reliable analysis

The collected mobility data is sent to the AIT server for analysis and storage and made available for further processing via standardised interfaces. Privacy and data security have the highest priority and are an inherent part of the software design.

Data integration and smart services

The high-precision data obtained can be integrated into existing software programs, apps and IT systems, allowing the creation of innovative mobility services. Examples include timetable or ticketing apps for smartphones.

Smartphone as a tool for mobility data

Research and development in the transport sector relies on precise passenger mobility data. Being an everyday companion to people, smartphones play a key role in the easier tracking of individual traffic patterns. Comparable apps have so far only been able to determine simple data such as location, routes or travel time.

New approach for your software and mobility services

With the MODE software solution, the AIT is several steps ahead of other systems. The automatic, differentiated transport mode identification helps MODE to elevate your apps or IT programs to a new level of quality and gives transport companies a definite edge when conducting mobility surveys and developing attractive transport offers.


Research Field

Passengers and trams on a road

Mobility Data Collection and Analysis