Efficiency Testing of PV Inverters and PV Storage Systems
Since 1995 AIT offers independent high-quality efficiency testing of PV inverters and energy storage systems. The broad range of test solutions and our long-term experience support your company during the complete product development cycle.
The test-portfolio comprises full-scale performance evaluation of power conversion equipment, battery and controls for residential and home storage as well as utility scale systems in the MW range. Through our accreditations (AIT is accredited according to ISO 17025:2017 by Accreditation Austria and certified to ISO 9001) we ensure consistent compliance with all relevant codes and standards.
Power Conversion Equipment
Steady state and dynamic MPP-Tracking, conversion and overall efficiency according to EN 50530
Overall performance of PV energy storage systems according to the BVES/BSW efficiency guideline
High precision measurement of the conversion efficiency for feed-in, battery charge, battery discharge conditions at full and partial load conditions
Conversion efficiency, standby and no-load consumption according to IEC 61683
Thermal de-rating/power fold-back at high ambient temperatures
Performance under extreme environmental conditions
Efficiency testing according to the BVES/BSW efficiency guideline and IEC 61427-2 standard
Round-trip efficiency with full cycle tests at nominal and part load charge/discharge power
Evaluation of the net storage capacity
Control System
Dynamic control behavior (step response)
Accuracy of the control system (steady state error)
AIT SmartEST Laboratory Testing Capabilites
Battery Energy Storage Systems and PV inverters up to 1 MW
Battery Energy Storage Systems for residential application up to 30 kW
Testing of DC, AC and PV generator coupled PV storage systems
Full emulation of AC grid, PV array, battery and load components
All tests are performed in a fully automated laboratory environment, enabling cost and time effective services.