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The Trial Guidance Tool developed by the Competence Unit COOPERATIVE DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES of the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology provides crisis management procedures to support organisations in testing socio-technological innovations. This allows innovations to be tested before they are actively used.

The Trial Guidance Tool developed within the Driver+ Program, together with the Trial Guidance Methodology (TGM), provides a way for organizations to test solutions in crisis and disaster management in realistic scenarios in a practical and systematic way. The Trial Guidance Tool supports all stakeholders in the course of such processes in order to guarantee a smooth and satisfactory process. This enables a fully documented and transparent process for the evaluation of new solutions in crisis management. This is helpful because not all socio-technological innovations are suitable for every organisation, so a trial involving all key stakeholders can provide important experience. With the Trial Guidance Tool, gaps in the process can be closed in order to ensure a smooth and secure process flow in crisis and disaster situations.