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Radio Frequency

Safe and secure electronic communication links are a key requirement for a modern society. We are investigating new methods to exploit physical properties of optical and wireless communication media to ensure safety and security. In the wireless domain, we devise novel communication methods for 5G systems for ultra-reliable and low-latency communication links, so that e.g. cables can be replaced by a wireless system in production environments or autonomous vehicles can be reliably connected.

The research group Physical Layer Security of the AIT Center for Digital Safety & Security operates a software defined radio frequency laboratory which allows the realization of highly-reliable wireless machine-to-machine communication links in real-time. Furthermore our research focuses on

  1. enabling highly reliable wireless machine-to-machine communications,
  2. measuring, modeling and emulating mobile communication channels between multiple moving nodes in non-stationary environment, as well as
  3. verifying signal processing algorithms in real-time using a software defined radio testbed.


  • multiple SDR transmitter and receiver for multiple-input multiple-ouput (MIMO) and for massive MIMO systems
  • field programmable gate arrays (FPGA) computation units for high-speed signal processing
  • Rubidium clocks for accurate phase and time-synchronization between multiple SDR nodes
  • Antenna arrays to realize massive MIMO systems with distributed antenna groups

For the further instrumentation we use synergies with the Photonics & Quantum Communication Lab, also located in the Center for Digital Safety & Security


Major Facilities of the infrastructure cluster :


19 SDR TX and RX units

programmable RX and TX components used for multi-node and MIMO system signal generation and signal detection

3 Rubidium clocks

Accurate time-synchronization for measurements and operation of distributed massive MIMO Systems

Antenna measurement place

located on the roof top of FutureBase building, enabling research deployments and evaluations of bases station algorithms