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Photovoltaic systems are currently built in different climate zones facing extreme weather conditions. Even in moderate climatic zones it is estimated that the yield of 12% of PV-plants is below the planned rates. Thus, it is necessary to make an in-depth analysis of climatic impacts on the entire photovoltaic system, and to develop quality examinations for all production steps along the value chain of a photovoltaic plant.

The project INFINITY will identify climate-related deficiencies of PV plants, and offers solutions for the future climate-related challenges of the PV market and the global need for cost-efficient renewables with constant, optimized energy yields.

The analysis of shortcomings, failures and degradation processes of existing PV materials, components, and modules is performed and followed by an adaptation and improvement along the module value chain, also through laboratory testing. The industry-driven consortium will also As a result, yield optimized and climate zone-adapted PV modules with increased system life-times can be implemented to make PV a reliable and stable future energy source, and technically customized and site-sensitive guidelines for the effective monitoring and maintenance of PV modules will be elaborated.

Project start: November 2015

Project duration: 36 Months

Project partners
From Science
CTR Carinthian Tech Research AG (Co-ordination)
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH (Scientific Lead) 
PCCL Polymer Competence Center Leoben GmbH
OFI Technologie & Innovation GmbH 
FHTW FH Technikum Wien 

From Industry
Fronius International GmbH
Infineon Technologies Austria AG
Isovoltaic AG
ENcome Energy Performance GmbH
Polytec PT GmbH
PVP Photovoltaik GmbH
Ulbrich of Austria GmbH

Funding line: This project is funded under the Austrian Energy Research Program, 1st Call, 2014 by the Climate and Energy Funds.

AIT contact: Rita Ebner