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Analysis and modelling for managing urban FWE Resources


The main objective of IN-SOURCE is to develop tools and apply them to case studies in order to quantitatively assess the predicted impact of changes in urban land use due to population, climate  change, the energy transition and the challenges of providing a truly resilient infrastructure. The  project will combine urban big data with emerging urban modeling tools in order to assess urban transformation strategies. The main result will be a shared urban data and modeling framework, integrating 3D visualization tools for stakeholders.


Using a bottom up approach to model urban system development towards a stable renewable energy system, secure and energy efficient water supply and abundant green spaces for food production and leisure. IN-SOURCE will then combine the aggregated results with larger scale (mainly regional, up to national) system models. Involving urban stakeholders in the whole process: developing indicators, including data, developing tools to model and visualize the impacts and help developing strategies.
Considering common urban problems in three very different case studies and thus improving the transferability of the local results to global urban areas.