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Symbolfoto: Das AIT ist Österreichs größte außeruniversitäre Forschungseinrichtung

Urban Resilience

Cities are the living space of the future.

Cities are crystalline intersections of population growth, economic activity and infrastructure development. Climate change and its associated chronic stresses, however, are increasingly posing formidable challenges to our habitats. Extreme rainfall can bring a city to a halt, extreme heat waves put growing numbers of lives at risk, and landslides can cause major damage to infrastructure. Cities today must adopt to new realities, ensuring citizen’s life, critical urban infrastructures and economic assets. 

AIT is helping cities and private businesses to understand, measure and plan for a resilient future. Our approach to building resilient environments and communities addresses three areas of action: resilience in the context of urban and regional development agendas; resilience as a crucial issue in the early stages of urban planning processes; and resilience as a retained value in existing conditions. 

Our Services

Resilience Planning 

We tailor approaches to adapt to climate change that include resilience as a component of local development agendas and construction projects. 

Based on comprehensive and rapid assessment, we help concerned stakeholders in determining which risks need protective action, which risks can be mitigated, and how to prioritise needed investments. 

We treat resilience as an integral part of future-proof urban planning. Our team guides cities, private builders and industrial site operators in future-proofing their investments in the early planning stages— when cost-efficiency ratios are highest.