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Responsive Cities & Regions

We don’t just talk about urban challenges: we work with you to implement solutions.

We pioneer innovative planning processes, implementation roadmaps and monitoring programmes for cities and regions that are determined to address transformational challenges related to climate change and energy transition. Our aim is to design—and therefore enable—transformation processes that include solution-focused strategies and comprehensive action plans. 


Smart resilient city strategies 

We have extensive experience in planning and implementing smart city projects. We believe that smart cities are far more than a bundle of technology and ICT solutions, and this has helped us to shape some of the world’s most successful smart city projects. Working in collaboration with our clients, we identify and unlock smart city potential by developing tailored strategies that are combined with implementation roadmaps and pilot projects, which help to drive the local economy and improve quality of life through a participative approach. A major success factor of our projects is our deep understanding of how strategies are embedded in and linked to urban planning and management. 

Sustainable urban development concepts

To grow sustainably, cities and regions must develop clear strategies that successfully balance a multitude of realities and interests. Prior to crafting our development strategies, we decode the complexities and stressors that can hinder sustainable growth. We think further than the strategy itself: we are convinced that a robust implementation framework and accompanying projects are required to bring a sustainable development strategy to life. Our interdisciplinary team of urban planners, climatologists, energy experts and economists is committed to delivering comprehensive action-oriented strategies. 

Innovative urban & regional development processes

We design innovative planning processes together with local stakeholders, using the latest digital planning tools (based on AI and big data) to make complex problems visible, negotiable and financeable. How can we  -for example- activate an abandoned inner city? How do we reveal the multiple causes of the issue? How can we activate the financial resources to resolve it? We help cities, regions, associations and private companies to find smart, cost-efficient solutions that lie off the beaten track. 

City monitoring 

To track the success of policies, strategies and projects—and thereby to secure the investments made in them—we design smart monitoring systems based on tailored key performance indicators (KPIs). This means that components of highly successful initiatives can be duplicated, and that irregularities can be adjusted before they generate losses—or worse, endanger the success of an entire project. Together with clients, we use performance monitoring to track the success of urban development strategies (e.g. smart city strategies) and urban development plans (e.g. master plans).