18th ITI Symposium in Dresden
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- /en/sitemap
Megawatt Charging System Battery Energy Storage System and (PV) inverter testing Efficiency Testing of PV Inverters and PV Storage Systems Stationary Storage Development Development of power electronics [...] Geothermische Wärme- und Kältenetze Interstores Development of cavern heat storage in Austria ATES Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage Vienna High-Performance Vision Systems High Speed xposure:camera xposure:flash [...] Knowledge of standards and guidelines Quality and yield assurance for PV systems in practice Basics PV storage, self-consumption & OVE guideline R 20 Further training in the field of comfort ventilation Comfort
Management and Structure
- /en/about-the-ait/management-and-structure
che Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft FFG) Brigitte Ratzer (TU Wien) Anton Schantl (Magna Energy Storage Systems GesmbH) Henriette Spyra (Head of Directorate general III, Innovation and Technology, Federal
Press Releases
- /en/press/press-releases-german
12.06.2023 AIT shows latest Technologies and solutions in the field of photovoltaics and energy storage (pdf) 02.06.2023 Greatest interests in the smallest details (pdf) 01.06.2023 AIT presents innovative
- /en/research-topics/efficiency-in-industrial-processes-systems/projects/storeitup
StoreITup! New thermal storage up to 300°C Project goal Thermal storages are a key technology to enable the widespread use of intermittent renewable heat sources (e.g. solar energy) and to increase the [...] applications that require energy on a constant temperature level, latent heat storage are superior to the more common sensible heat storages. Although, a lot of different Phase Change Materials (PCMs) have been [...] that might resolve this issue. After an initial extensive material characterization, a lab-scale storage is built and analysed to conduct the “proof of concept”. As a result, the main technological challenges
Leafs - LV Loads and Storage Integration
- /en/leafs
Leafs - LV Loads and Storage Integration Leafs - LV Loads and Storage Integration Leafs evaluates the effects of increased costumer and energy market driven utilization of energy storage systems and load [...] historic data for load and generation behavior over time. New technologies, especially small-scale home storage systems and aggregation of demand flexibility by virtual power plant operators, can result in ma [...] Approaches in the project for activation and control of flexibility include both active control of home storage systems and flexible loads also by the grid operator (technical solution) and evaluation of monetary
Sparks - Smart Grid Protection Against Cyber Attacks
- /en/sparks
make optimum use of system capacity through ongoing coordination between producers, consumers and storage facilities, thus enabling intelligent energy management. This requires a comprehensive ICT infrastructure
- /en/
Experience Oriented Innovation Experience Tools Plan Functional coatings for power conversion and storage Future Digital Experience Innovation Strategies Circular Economy Circular Building Solutions Learning
Center for Transport Technologies
- /en/about-the-ait/center/center-for-transport-technologies
is on material-based lightweight design, on the electrification of the propulsion train and the storage of electrical energy, as well as on a resilient and safe transport infrastructure. This also includes
Science Brunch Fundamental Research in Photovoltaics + Energy storage
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- /en/research-topics/societal-futures/projects/reflex
efficiently used locally through a mix of measures in voltage regulation, demand side management and storage. Drawing on the learning experience among ReFlex partners, replicability-guidelinies are elaborated
Austrian Materials Foresight
- /en/research-topics/societal-futures/projects/austrian-materials-foresight
Electrochemical physical energy production and storage The fields “Sustainable Materials and Recycling" and "Electrochemical physical Energy production and storage” have a highest potential for ambitious impact
Drive Testing Laboratory
- /en/labs/drive-testing-lab
Control Our in-house control program enables the centralized and time-synchronized acquisition, storage and visualization of measurement data. It enables the simulation of user-defined performance profiles
Battery Test Laboratory
- /en/labs/battery-test-laboratory
different environmental conditions Safety tests Thermal - Thermal stability - Elevated temperature storage Mechanical - Internal short circuit - Controlled crush - Drop Electrical - Overcharge - External
- /en/themen/battery-materials-characterization/projects/magnifico
achieve higher energy densities at lower cost than lithium-ion batteries for stationary energy storage applications. This is possible thanks to the natural abundancy, low costs, environmental sustainability [...] will be integrated into an environmentally sustainable 3 V Mg-ion battery for stationary energy storage applications using a high voltage, low-critical raw material MgMn 2 O 4 cathode. Experimental methods
Computational Fluid Dynamics Services
- /en/research-topics/propulsion-technologies/computational-fluid-dynamics-services
components and subsystems of green vehicles (electrical machines, power electronics, electrical energy storage systems, cabin heating) Simulation of pressure waves in railway tunnels × Kontakt Formular Pflichtfelder
Multi-Physics Simulation Services
- /en/research-topics/propulsion-technologies/multi-physics-simulation-services
ranges from electrical machines, including engine control, power electronics and electrical energy storage systems, to the simulation of entire vehicles, component integration and monitoring during operation
- /en/research-topics/electric-powertrains/projects/b-pcm
hybrid vehicles, via direct integration of a latent heat storage within the battery pack. Independently of the exact type of electrical battery storage, the use of phase change materials optimizes the thermal
- /en/research-topics/hybrid-electric-aircraft-technologies/projects/solifly
project led by AIT develops multifunctional aircraft components with structural and electrical energy storage capabilities. Pipistrel PVRK-1 Miniliner Concept (c) Pipistrel Within the framework of SOLIFLY ( [...] components which are built into the supporting structure while also serving as electrical energy storage devices. The aim is to support the sustainable electrification of aviation: Through the multifun [...] efficiency is to be achieved, for example weight reduction through integration of decentralized energy storage systems On the way to zero-emission aviation Against the backdrop of climate change, air travel is
- /en/research-topics/thermophysics/projects
battery HyStEPS-IF Hybrid Storage for Efficient Processes HiPoCat Highly Porous Cathodes for Lithium Air Batteries Material and Component Development for Thermal Energy Storage
Searched for "storage".
Found 182 results in 13 milliseconds.
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