- /en/themen/battery-materials-characterization/projects/sense
sustainability and recyclability, reduced production costs and a battery management system coupled to dynamic in-cell sensors to enable faster charging. AIT works in collaboration with other partners in SeNSE
Leafs - LV Loads and Storage Integration
- /en/leafs
that minimize network reinforcements required from the integration of renewable energy sources and dynamics resulting from the market. Approaches in the project for activation and control of flexibility include
Environmental Testing Laboratory
- /en/labs/environmental-testing-lab
Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Dr. Alois Vorwagner Thematic Coordinator Structural Dynamics & Life Cycle Engineering +43 50550-6624 +43 50550-6439 alois.vorwagner(at)ait.ac.at Folder Download
- /en/research-topics/transport-optimisation-energy-logistics/projects/mimic
AIT heuristic solution methods are developed which allow the consideration of uncertainties and dynamic changes in construction processes. In order to evaluate the optimized solutions under real conditions
- /en/research-topics/transport-optimisation-energy-logistics/projects/seamless
planning components, which guarantee an efficient and comfortable use of the (e-) vehicles by optimized dynamic vehicle allocation and charging strategies. The intelligent use of buffer batteries and energy management
Persuasive Urban Mobility
- /en/research-topics/integrated-digital-urban-planning/projects/persuasive-urban-mobility
, Stibe, A., Seer, S., Dai, C., Schechtner, K., & Chin, R. C. C. (2016):Gamification and social dynamics behind corporate cycling campaigns. International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport
Fleet Management and Connected Logistics
- /en/solutions/plan
More accurate and cost-effective results Application-oriented recommendations, verifiable results Dynamic calculation models, conditions can be simulated (e. g. fuel price) Multimodal view Various overall
- /en/research-topics/cyber-security/projects/odysseus
simulated. In contrast to existing solutions from literature and practice, ODYSSEUS focuses on the dynamic relationships between networks and develops mathematical models from stochastics (e.g. Markov chains
- /en/research-topics/cyber-security/projects/dagmar
addresses closing the identified data gap. Through the open and transparent design of a possible dynamic data architecture, the economic steering measures can be evidence-based, whereby their effects over
- /en/research-topics/cyber-security/projects/coltrane
influence security. Traditional forms of education mainly focus on knowledge transmission, but in highly dynamic areas such as cybersecurity this does not lead to sufficient learning outcomes. We therefore need
Battery Energy Storage System and (PV) inverter testing
- /en/solutions/power-system-technologies/battery-energy-storage-system-and-pv-inverter-testing
components regarding performance, safety, durability and grid integration with high power, high dynamics test benches on component and system level. Battery Energy Storage Systems Performance assessment
- /en/research-topics/road-safety-accident-research/projects/ambition
Name * E-Mail * Betreff * Nachricht * Send Dr. Alois Vorwagner Thematic Coordinator Structural Dynamics & Life Cycle Engineering +43 50550-6624 +43 50550-6439 alois.vorwagner(at)ait.ac.at Project partners
Scientific Vision Days
- /en/about-the-ait/center/center-for-digital-safety-security/fairs-events/vision/scientific-vision-days
On- and Offroad Driving Werner Brockherde CMOS SPADs for LIDAR Applications Michael Hofstätter Dynamic Vision Sensoren (DVS) – Lösungen für die Personensicherheit Branislav Micusik, Markus Kommenda, Axel
IPEN - Infrastructure for energy grids
- /en/ipen
critical for demanding applications like tele-protection or the monitoring of the electrical network's dynamic state (smart grid metrology). A root cause of the problem is the missing signalling component between
- /en/research-topics/experience-business-transformation/projects/points
expected to have a positive effect on students' health and playing in teams should have positive group dynamic effects. Within POINTS the Center for Technology Experience develops tangible building blocks to
Computer Vision
- /en/research-topics/data-science-artificial-intelligence/computer-vision
security agencies (e.g. law enforcement agencies) to process and interpret vast amounts of data. The dynamic nature of the environment, in which our end users operate, necessitates a rapid and resource-efficient
- /en/research-topics/hybrid-power-plants/projects/ph2oenix
-Demonstrator investigates the operating behaviour of different electrolysis technologies under a dynamic load profile, particularly given through the volatile power generation of photovoltaics. In contrast
Assessment of your ecological balance sheet
- /en/solutions/plan/ecological-balance-sheet
step towards the sustainable development of your company fleet - contact us! Used tools DynaTOP (dynamic route planning and optimization) NEMO (Network emission model) HBEFA (Manual for emission factors)
ERIGrid - Connecting European Smart Grid Infrastructure
- /en/research-topics/power-system-digitalisation/projects/erigrid-connecting-european-smart-grid-infrastructure
expert. "As the ERIGrid project brings together Europe's best research institutions, the resulting dynamic should serve to further strengthen Europe's pioneering role within the energy sector." For more
Art and science
- /en/blog/art-and-science
ce" at AIT, used spirography to address the constant changes in society and technology. Complex dynamic systems After the finale of the project " capture " with a (virtual) talk between Judith Fegerl, [...] next round: The Viennese artist duo Process Studio will cooperate with the Competence Unit Complex Dynamical Systems of the AIT Center for Vision, Automation & Control. ABOUT ARTTEC at AIT Since 2016, the
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