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Social Innovation Driving Social Change

Social innovation is classified as a key component on the way to establish a new paradigm of innovation. Together with 15 partners from 12 EU member states and another 11 international partners, SI-Drive advances the theoretical understanding of social innovation, conducts a comprehensive global mapping of social innovation, carries out case studies of social innovations in a range of policy fields (environment, energy, mobility, health, education, employment and poverty) and explores future policy issues associated to social innovation.

Key Words: Foresight, Social Innovation

Start: January 2014

Duration: 4 years

Funded by: European Commission

Contact: Matthias Weber, Doris Schartinger, Petra Schaper-Rinkel

Website: SI-Drive

This project has received funding from the European Union's FP7 Research and Innovation funding programme 2007-2013 under grant agreement No 612870.