SilentAirHP Advanced Methods for the Assessment and Development of Noise-Reducing Measures for Air-Water-Heat Pumps
Noise emissions might hamper the long term market success of air-water-heat pumps. SilentAirHP primarily aims at developing respectively adapting advanced numerical and experimental methods for the assessment of noise-reducing measures for air-water-heat pumps to support national heat pump manufacturer in developing low-noise heat pumps in the medium run. Methods developed in previous research projects will be applied, validated and further developed. In addition to the quantification of selected passive measures, noise cancelling will be tested and assessed as active action. The results comprise a set of quantitatively assessed measures for known and innovative noise reduction actions evaluated on an energetic and noise level.
Project start: April 2015
Project duration: 42 months
Project partners: Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH (single R&D project)
Funding line: Energy Research Program, 1st Call 2014
AIT contact: Christoph Reichl