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Verification & Validation

Modern Systems are too complex for manual verification.

How do you efficiently and thoroughly verify that the system you are building is behaving “correct”? What is “correct” anyhow? What development approaches or supporting tools do you need to use? What is the quality of your verification efforts? Are they according to standards? AIT’s Dependable Systems Engineering group is providing know-how, methodologies and tools to answer these questions.

The group’s expertise covers a wide range of methods and application domains. We specialize in rigorous software development, automated test case generation, semi-automated machine code analysis for systematic weaknesses, run-time verification and general software quality checks. We study classical and embedded software, as well as cyber-physical systems that combine discrete and continuous dynamics. The group produces innovative, tool-supported approaches to verification and validation for industry, as well as it is working on answering fundamental research questions in international collaborations with renowned scientists. See below for some of the group’s highlights, and be also sure to check the “Trainings & Consulting” page to find out about additional offerings.