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Cyber Security Literacy And Dexterity through Cyber Exercises

Security and privacy are important aspects of the digitization and networking of information and com-munication technologies (ICT). In recent years, a large number of different cyber-exercises have been developed that playfully test, expand and promote cyber-security skills and abilities. These exercises include table-top exercises, which often promote awareness of the topic, or technical cyber exercises, which use technical simulations to promote practical skills. Currently only a small number of user groups participate in these exercises (e.g. professionals or students in the field of information security). Established exercises can already be found in the academic sector, in networks and innovation hubs, in some organizations or SMEs with a focus on cyber security (e.g. KSÖ Planspiel, Austria Cyber Security Challenge). However, these practice-oriented exercises would also be important for other user groups in SMEs, so that a broader and more critical mass of people and organizations learn to deal with digital challenges, understand them and use solution-oriented approaches for prevention, detection and con-tainment of cyber incidents in daily practice.

The INDUCE project aims to test different types of cyber-exercises for equality of opportunity for dif-ferent user groups (e.g. roles in SMEs) taking into account different diversity dimensions (e.g. gender and age) and thus to further develop cyber-exercises in a user-oriented way. These developments will be shared with the largest possible community when setting up an innovation network for SMEs on the topic of cyber exercises and equal opportunities. There are four central building blocks within the pro-ject: the design and implementation for cyber-exercises with equal opportunities for different target groups, the development of knowledge for more equal opportunities in cyber-exercises through the analysis of gender and other diversity dimensions, the development of an innovation network for the transfer of know-how and exchange for cyber-exercises, and the implementation and evaluation of cyber-exercises with equal opportunities for different user groups with the help of Future Labs (i.e. workshops or rooms that enable open innovation). With INDUCE, competencies for a variety of user groups can be built up and developed in the long term, which in the course of digitization contribute to the ability to act and resilience of SMEs.


  • Partner: AIT (Koordinator), Infraprotect GmbH, KSÖ Kuratorium Sicheres Österreich, Cyber Security Austria, Fachhochschule Oberösterreich
  • Project duration: 04/2021-03/2024
  • Funding: Laura Bassi 4.0 - 2. AS