- M. Drobics, A. Preinerstorfer, A. Carrasco: "A Common Information Space for Pandemic Management"; ERCIM News, 124 (2021), S. 26 - 27.
- R. Duro, A. Bojor, G. Neubauer: "Observing Moving Vehicles as a Signature of Human Activity During a Pandemic"; ERCIM News, 124 (2021), S. 27 - 28.
- A. Preinerstorfer, P. Taupe, C. Hochwarter: "Airborne Reconnaissance in the Field of Natural hazard Management and Public Safety"; ERCIM News, 124 (2021), S. 45 - 46.
- M. Drobics, A. Preinerstorfer, A. Carrasco: "A Common Information Space for Pandemic Management"; ERCIM News, 124 (2021), S. 26 - 27.
- R. Duro, A. Bojor, G. Neubauer: "Observing Moving Vehicles as a Signature of Human Activity During a Pandemic"; ERCIM News, 124 (2021), S. 27 - 28.
- R. de Wit, A. Kainz, R. Goler, M. Zuvela-Aloise, C. Hahn, G. Zuccaro, M. Leone, W. Loibl, T. Tötzer, W. Hager, A. Geyer-Scholz, D. Havlik: "Supporting climate proof planning with CLARITY´s Climate Service and modelling of climate adaptation strategies - the Linz use-case. Urban Climate"; Urban Climate, 34 (2020), 34; S. 100675.
- J. Nurmi, K. Knittle, T. Ginchev, F. Khattak, C. Helf, P. Zwickl, C. Castellano-Tejedor, P. Lusilla-Palacios, J. Costa-Requena, N. Revaja, A. Haukkala: "Engaging Users in the Behavior Change Process With Digitalized Motivational Interviewing and Gamification: Development and Feasibility Testing of the Precious App"; JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 8 (2020), 1; S. 1 - 30.
- D. Havlik, G. Schimak, P. Kaleta, P. Dihé, M. Leone: "CLARITY Screening Service for Climate Hazards, Impacts and Effects of the Adaptation Options"; Vortrag: 13th IFIP WG 5.11 International Symposium, ISESS 2020, Wageningen, The Netherlands; 05.02.2020 - 07.02.2020; in: "Environmental Software Systems. Data Science in Action", Springer, Cham, Cham (2020), ISBN: 978-3-030-39814-9; S. 57 - 71.
- G. Neubauer, A. Preinerstorfer, A. Martin, K. Rainer, M. van Berlo: "Analysis of Gaps arising while managing the COVID-19 crisis"; Vortrag: IDIMT 2020 - Digitalized Economy, Society and Information Management, Kutna Hora, Czech Republic (eingeladen); 02.09.2020 - 04.09.2020; in: "IDIMT 2020 - Digitalized Economy, Society and Information Management", Trauner Verlag, Linz, 49 (2020), ISBN: 978-3-99062-958-1; S. 165 - 170.
- K. Rainer, G. Neubauer, A. Leidwein, P. Nemenz, M. Hoffmann, G. Aumayr: "Interoperability and Crisis Management in Pandemic Outbreak Scenarios"; Hauptvortrag: IDIMT 2020 - Digitalized Economy, Society and Information Management, Kutna Hora, Czech Republic (eingeladen); 02.09.2020 - 04.09.2020; in: "IDIMT 2020 - Digitalized Economy, Society and Information Management", Trauner Verlag, Linz, 49 (2020), ISBN: 978-3-99062-958-1; S. 153 -164.
- G. Schimak, D. Ignjatović, E. Vullings, M. Sammels: "Interoperability of Solutions in a Crisis Management Environment Showcased in Trial-Austria"; Vortrag: 13th IFIP WG 5.11 International Symposium, ISESS 2020, Wageningen, The Netherlands; 05.02.2020 - 07.02.2020; in: "Environmental Software Systems. Data Science in Action", Springer, Cham, Cham (2020), ISBN: 978-3-030-39814-9; S. 173 - 187.
- A. Preinerstorfer, P. Taupe, C. Hochwarter: "Lufterkundung im Bereich des Naturgefahrenmanagements und der öffentlichen Sicherheit"; in: "Disaster Research Days 2020", Disaster Competence Network Austria, Wien, 2020, ISBN: 978-3-900932-77-0, 1 S.
- O. Rehberger: "Anwendung verfügbarer Methoden zur Erkennung von mobilen Objekten und deren Eigenschaften aus single-pass Satellitendaten"; Betreuer/in(nen): A. Riedl, G. Neubauer; Universität Wien, Institut für Geographie und Regionalforschung, 2020; Abschlussprüfung: 28.02.2020.
- K. Rainer, G. Neubauer, A. Leidwein, P. Nemenz, M. Hoffmann, G. Aumayr: "Interoperability and Crisis Management in Pandemic Outbreak Scenarios"; Hauptvortrag: IDIMT 2020 - Digitalized Economy, Society and Information Management, Kutna Hora, Czech Republic (eingeladen); 02.09.2020 - 04.09.2020; in: "IDIMT 2020 - Digitalized Economy, Society and Information Management", Trauner Verlag, Linz, 49 (2020), ISBN: 978-3-99062-958-1; S. 153 -164.
- G. Neubauer, A. Preinerstorfer, A. Martin, K. Rainer, M. van Berlo: "Analysis of Gaps arising while managing the COVID-19 crisis"; Vortrag: IDIMT 2020 - Digitalized Economy, Society and Information Management, Kutna Hora, Czech Republic (eingeladen); 02.09.2020 - 04.09.2020; in: "IDIMT 2020 - Digitalized Economy, Society and Information Management", Trauner Verlag, Linz, 49 (2020), ISBN: 978-3-99062-958-1; S. 165 - 170.
- A. Preinerstorfer, H. Humer: "FCC Physics Opportunities"; European Physical Journal C, 79:474 (2019), S. 1 - 161.
- A. Preinerstorfer, H. Humer: "FCC-ee: The Lepton Collider-Future Circular Collider Conceptual Design Report Volume 2"; European Physical Journal-Special Topics, The European Physics Journal Special Topics (2019), 228:2; S. 261 - 623.
- M. Drobics: "IoT-Security - Künstliche Intelligenz als Enabler des Internets der Dinge"; e&i elektrotechnik und informationstechnik, 06 (2019), 2 S.
- G. Neubauer, G. Chroust: "Is my Definition the Same as Yours?"; ERCIM News, 116 (2019), 116; S. 35.
- D. Auferbauer, C. Ruggenthaler, G. Czech, I. Gojmerac: "Taxonomy of Community Interaction in Crises and Disasters"; Vortrag: 16th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM 2019), Valencia; 19.05.2019 - 22.05.2019; in: "Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management", (2019), ISBN: 978-84-09-10498-7; 12 S.
- M. Boyer, C. Picus, A. Schindler: "Audiovisuelle Methoden zur Erkennung von manipuliertem Bild-, Video- und Audiomaterial"; Vortrag: 9. Internationales Symposium "Neue Technologien", Wien (eingeladen); 05.11.2019 -06.11.2019; in: "9. Internationales Symposium "Neue Technologien" am 05./06. November 2019 in Wien, Österreich", (2019), S. 1.
- G. Neubauer, G. Chroust, K. Rainer: "Similarity of Definitions, Challenges of Comparisons"; Vortrag: IDIMT 2018 - Innovation and transformation in a Digital World, Kutna Hora, Czech Republic (eingeladen); 04.09.2019 - 07.09.2019; in: "IDIMT 2019 - Innovation and Transformation in a Digital World", Trauner Verlag, Linz, 48 (2019), ISBN: 978-3-99062-590-3; S. 207 - 215.
- D. Auferbauer, R. Ganhör, H. Tellioglu: "Opportunistic Affiliation in Spontaneous Volunteer Management"; Vortrag: 16th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM 2019), Valencia; 19.05.2019 - 22.05.2019; in: "Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management", (2019), ISBN: 978-84-09-10498-7; 12 S.
- G. Neubauer, K. Rainer, A. Almer: "The Process of Digitalization in Emergency and Disaster Management: Overview on Development, Integration, Research Gaps, and Perspectives"; Vortrag: IDIMT 2018 - Innovation and transformation in a Digital World, Kutna Hora, Czech Republic (eingeladen); 04.09.2019 - 07.09.2019; in: "IDIMT 2019 - Innovation and Transformation in a Digital World", Trauner Verlag, Linz, 48 (2019), ISBN: 978-3-99062-590-3; S. 179 - 187.
- O. Veledar, G. Macher, E. Armengaud, S. Jaksic, C. Schmittner, V. Damjanovic-Behrendt, C. Thomos, K. Römer, K. Diwold, L. Happ Botler, M. Drobics, E. Holzer: "Safety and Security of IoT-based Solutions for Autonomous Driving: Architectural Perspective"; Vortrag: Proc. 6th International Symposium on Model-Based Safety and Assessment, IMBSA 2019, Thessaloniki, Greece; 16.10.2019 - 18.10.2019; in: "Proc. 6th International Symposium on Model-Based Safety and Assessment, IMBSA 2019", Easy Conferences Ltd. - Easy CRS, Cyprus (2019), ISBN: 978- 3-030-32872-6; S. 1 - 15.
- A. Preinerstorfer, H. Humer: "FCC-hh: The Hadron Collider-Future Circular Collider Conceptual Design Report Volume 3"; in: "The European Physics Journal Special Topics", 228:4; Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, 2019, 332 S.
- A. Preinerstorfer, H. Humer: "FCC Physics Opportunities"; European Physical Journal C, 79:474 (2019), S. 1 - 161.
- A. Preinerstorfer, H. Humer: "FCC-ee: The Lepton Collider-Future Circular Collider Conceptual Design Report Volume 2"; European Physical Journal-Special Topics, The European Physics Journal Special Topics (2019), 228:2; S. 261 - 623.
- D. Auferbauer: "New Media Technologies in Crisis and Disaster Management"; Betreuer/in(nen), Begutachter/in(nen): A. Tapia, M. Borges, H. Tellioglu; TU Wien / Visual Computing and Human-Centered Technology / Research Unit Multidisciplinary Design and User Research, 2019; Rigorosum: 11.12.2019.
- G. Neubauer, K. Rainer, A. Almer: "The Process of Digitalization in Emergency and Disaster Management: Overview on Development, Integration, Research Gaps, and Perspectives"; Vortrag: IDIMT 2018 - Innovation and transformation in a Digital World, Kutna Hora, Czech Republic (eingeladen); 04.09.2019 - 07.09.2019; in: "IDIMT 2019 - Innovation and Transformation in a Digital World", Trauner Verlag, Linz, 48 (2019), ISBN: 978-3-99062-590-3; S. 179 - 187.
- G. Neubauer, G. Chroust, K. Rainer: "Similarity of Definitions, Challenges of Comparisons"; Vortrag: IDIMT 2018 - Innovation and transformation in a Digital World, Kutna Hora, Czech Republic (eingeladen); 04.09.2019 - 07.09.2019; in: "IDIMT 2019 - Innovation and Transformation in a Digital World", Trauner Verlag, Linz, 48 (2019), ISBN: 978-3-99062-590-3; S. 207 - 215.
- E. Schweighofer, J. Zanol, I. Gojmerac: "Interoperabilität im Katastrophenmanagement und Datenschutz"; Vortrag: 19. Internationalen Rechtsinformatik Symposium (IRIS), Salzburg; 21.02.2019 - 23.09.2019; in: "Netzwerke: Tagungsband des 19. Internationalen Rechtsinformatik Symposium IRIS 2016", OCG, (2019), ISBN: 978-3-96443-724-2; S. 143 - 152.
- D. Auferbauer, H. Tellioğlu: "Socio-technical Dynamics: Cooperation of Emergent and Established Organisations in Crises and Disasters"; in: "Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems", ACM New York, NY, USA, New York, 2019, ISBN: 978-1-4503-5970-2, S. 1 - 13.
- I. Pires, V. Felizardo, N. Pombo, M. Drobics, N.M. Garcia, F. Florez-Revuelt: "Validation of a method for the estimation of energy expenditure during physical activity using a mobile device accelerometer"; Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, 10 (2018), 4; S. 315 - 326.
- P. Reichl, P. Zwickl, P. Maillé, M. Varela: "What you pay is what you get?"; Quality and User Experience, 3 (2018), 5; S. 1 - 20.
- G. Neubauer, K. Rainer, J. Pottebaum, S. Knezic, M. Baucic: "Approaches on How to analyse Terms and Definitions Applied in the Domain of Crisis and Disaster Management"; Vortrag: IDIMT 2018 - Strategic Modeling in Management, Economy and Society, Kutna Hora; 05.09.2018 - 07.09.2018; in: "Approaches on How to analyse Terms and Definitions Applied in the Domain of Crisis and Disaster Management", (2018), ISBN: 978-3-99062-339-8; S. 189 - 195.
- A. Preinerstorfer: "Interoperabilität im Katastrophenmanagement - Der Einsatz von IKT beim interorganisationalen Informationsaustausch"; Betreuer/in(nen): G. Lichtenegger; Universität Wien/Postgraduate Center, 2018; Abschlussprüfung: 19.10.2018.
- M. Plociennik, M. Drobics, I Podnar Zarko, K. Katsaros, S. Soursos, I. Gojmerac: "Interoperability and Decentralization as Key Technologies for Future Smart Urban Environments"; in: "Proceedings of the 2018 European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC)", IEEE, New York, 2018, ISBN: 978-1-5386-1478-5, S. 240 - 244.
- G. Neubauer, M. Hörlesberger, R. Grüner, S. Schirnhofer: "The role of interoperability for the management of the refugee flow"; ATINER's Conference Paper Series - MDT2016-2165, MDT2016-2165 (2017), 11 S.
- D. Auferbauer, H. Tellioğlu: "Centralized Crowdsourcing in Disaster Management: Findings and Implications"; Vortrag: C&T '17, Troyes, France; 26.06.2017 - 30.06.2017; in: "Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Communities and Technologies", Association for Computing Machinery, New York, USA, (2017), ISBN: 978-1-4503-4854-6; S. 173 - 182.
- G. Dünnebeil, M Marjanović, I Podnar Zarko: "Approaches to Fuse Fixed and Mobile Air Quality Sensors"; Vortrag: Environmental Software Systems / 12th IFIP WG 5.11 International Symposium, ISESS 2017, Zadar; 10.05.2017 - 12.05.2017; in: "Environmental Software Systems / 12th IFIP WG 5.11 International Symposium, ISESS 2017", (2017), S. 71 - 84.
- R. Duro, M. Gencturk, G. Schimak, P. Kutschera, D. Havlik, K. Kutschera: "Framework for Enabling Technical and Organizational Interoperability in the Management of Environmental Crises and Disasters"; Vortrag: ISESS 2017, Zadar, Kroatien; 10.05.2017 - 12.05.2017; in: "Environmental Software Systems. Computer Science for Environmental Protection", (2017), ISBN: 978-3-319-89934-3; S. 290 - 301.
- G. Neubauer, D. Auferbauer, A. Preinerstorfer, G. Lichtenegger, K. Rainer, R. Nippold: "Co-Operation In Managing The Migration Flow In Austria 2015 And 2016"; Vortrag: IDIMT-2017, Podebrady, Czech Republic; 06.09.2017 - 08.09.2017; in: "IDIMT-2017 Digitalization in Management, Society and Economy-25th Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks", Trauner Verlag Linz, Schriftenreihe Informatik 46 (2017), ISBN: 978-3-99062-119-6; S. 103 -110.
- G. Neubauer, A. Preinerstorfer, G. Lichtenegger, H. Humer, H. Linke, G. Zuba, U. Delprato, G. Tusa, S. Knezic, M. Baucic, C. Dalaff, G. Gurczik, B. Ammar, A. Magzoub: "Common information space as enabler for collaboration in disaster management: Demonstration of the validity of the EPISECC CIS concept"; Vortrag: 4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Disaster Management (ICT-DM 2017), Münster, Deutschland; 11.12.2017 - 13.12.2017; in: "Proceedings of ICT-DM 2017", IEEE, (2017), ISBN: 978-1-5386-2553-8; Paper-Nr. 18, 8 S.
- I Podnar Zarko, S. Soursos, I. Gojmerac, E. Garido Ostermann, G. Insolvibile, M. Plociennik, P. Reichl, G. Bianchi: "Towards an IoT framework for semantic and organizational interoperability"; Vortrag: 2017 Global Internet of Things Summit (GIoTS), Genf, Schweiz (eingeladen); 06.06.2017 -09.06.2017; in: "2017 Global Internet of Things Summit (GIoTS)", Global Internet of Things Summit (GIoTS), (2017), S. 1 - 6.
- A. Preinerstorfer, M. Egly, I. Gojmerac, C. Schuster, C. Hochwarter, R. Stocker: "Requirements for the Next Generation Public Warning and Alert System for Austria"; Vortrag: The 14th International Conference on Telecommunications - ConTEL 2017, Zagreb, Kroatien; 28.06.2017 - 30.06.2017; in: "Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Telecommunications ConTEL 2017", IEEE, (2017), ISBN: 978-953-184-223-5; Paper-Nr. 16, 6 S.
- R.I. Goleva, M. Pudane, S. Petrovica, E. Lavendelis, K. Kreiner, M. Drobics, I Ganchev, N.M. Garcia, R. Stainov, C. Dobre, C.X. Mavromoustakis, I. Chorbev, V. Trajkovik, E Zdravevski, G. Mastorakis: "AALaaS/ELEaaS platforms"; in: "Enhanced Living Environments: From models to technologies", IET Digital Library, UK, 2017, ISBN: 9781785612114, 27 S.
- G. Neubauer, M. Hörlesberger, R. Grüner, S. Schirnhofer: "The role of interoperability for the management of the refugee flow"; ATINER's Conference Paper Series - MDT2016-2165, MDT2016-2165 (2017), 11 S.
- K. Rainer, D. Sivestru, G. Neubauer, V. Ruzsanyi, A. Almer, T. Lampoltshammer: "Multiple Types Of Sensor Data: Challenges And Perspectives For An Operational Picture For Response To Crisis With Mass Involvement"; Vortrag: IDIMT-2017, Podebrady, Czech Republic (eingeladen); 06.09.2017 - 08.09.2017; in: "IDIMT-2017 Digitalization in Management, Society and Economy-25th Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks", Trauner Verlag Linz, Schriftenreihe Informatik 46 (2017), ISBN: 978-3-99062-119-6; S. 111 - 126.
- I Podnar Zarko, S. Soursos, I. Gojmerac, E. Garido Ostermann, G. Insolvibile, M. Plociennik, P. Reichl, G. Bianchi: "Towards an IoT framework for semantic and organizational interoperability"; Vortrag: 2017 Global Internet of Things Summit (GIoTS), Genf, Schweiz (eingeladen); 06.06.2017 -09.06.2017; in: "2017 Global Internet of Things Summit (GIoTS)", Global Internet of Things Summit (GIoTS), (2017), S. 1 - 6.
- K. Rainer, D. Sivestru, G. Neubauer, V. Ruzsanyi, A. Almer, T. Lampoltshammer: "Multiple Types Of Sensor Data: Challenges And Perspectives For An Operational Picture For Response To Crisis With Mass Involvement"; Vortrag: IDIMT-2017, Podebrady, Czech Republic (eingeladen); 06.09.2017 - 08.09.2017; in: "IDIMT-2017 Digitalization in Management, Society and Economy-25th Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks", Trauner Verlag Linz, Schriftenreihe Informatik 46 (2017), ISBN: 978-3-99062-119-6; S. 111 - 126.
- I. Miskovicova, N. Hell, M. Hanke, M. Nowak, K. Pottschmidt, N. Schulz, V. Grinberg, R. Duro, O. Madej, A. Lohfink, J. Rodriguez, M. Cadolle Bell, A. Bodaghee, J. Tomsick, J. Lee, G. Brown, J. Wilms: "Chandra X-ray spectroscopy of focused wind in the Cygnus X-1 system-II. The non-dip spectrum in the low/hard state-modulations with orbital phase"; Astronomy & Astrophysics, 590 (2016), S. 24.
- I. Gojmerac, C. Ruggenthaler, M. Egly, W. Vorraber, J. Brugger, H. Aschbacher, K. Panzenböck, M. Christian: "Advanced information systems for enhanced civil-military interoperability in Austria"; Vortrag: 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Disaster Management (ICT-DM), Vienna, Austria; 13.12.2016 - 15.12.2016; in: "ICT-DM'2016", IEEE, 6 (2016), ISBN: 978-1-5090-5234-9; 7 S.
- M. Middelhoff, A. Widera, R. van den Berg, B. Hellingrath, D. Auferbauer, D. Havlik, J. Pielorz: "Crowdsourcing and Crowdtasking in Crisis Management - Lessons Learned From a Field Experiment Simulating a Flooding in the City of the Hague"; Vortrag: 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Disaster Management (ICT-DM), Vienna, Austria; 13.12.2016 - 15.12.2016; in: "ICT-DM 2016", IEEE, (2016), ISBN: 978-1-5090-5234-9; Paper-Nr. 3.
- A. Preinerstorfer, I. Gojmerac, C. Ruggenthaler, C. Schuster, A. Almer, R. Stocker, V. Heußler: "Public Warning and Alert System for Austria"; Vortrag: 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Disaster Management (ICT-DM), Vienna, Austria; 13.12.2016 - 15.12.2016; in: "ICT-DM'2016", IEEE, (2016), ISBN: 978-1-5090-5234-9; Paper-Nr. 21, 6 S.