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Leafs - LV Loads and Storage Integration

Leafs evaluates the effects of increased costumer and energy market driven utilization of energy storage systems and load flexibility on power distribution grids. Technologies and operation strategies are developed that enable optimal use of distribution grid infrastructure by activating flexibilities using direct or indirect control also by the local grid operator or even incentives. The consumer benefits from more flexible integration of distributed energy resources at minimum network reinforcement costs as well as achieving a higher self-consumption level for customers operating their own DG-unit.

Starting point / motivation

Significant changes can be expected in the way end customers will behave from a power distribution grid perspective. Today, layout and dimensioning of distribution grid infrastructure is based on statistical assumptions and historic data for load and generation behavior over time. New technologies, especially small-scale home storage systems and aggregation of demand flexibility by virtual power plant operators, can result in market-driven load profiles based on price signals with potentially high synchronous behavior in a given distribution segment. Without consideration of the local distribution system limits this might cause thermal overload or voltage band violations. In return a grid relieving operation has the potential to relieve power grids.

Content and goals

The project Leafs proactively tackles the above mentioned challenge by developing technologies and operation strategies that minimize network reinforcements required from the integration of renewable energy sources and dynamics resulting from the market. Approaches in the project for activation and control of flexibility include both active control of home storage systems and flexible loads also by the grid operator (technical solution) and evaluation of monetary incentives and motivation (organizational solution). The end costumer benefits in a long term from minimized network reinforcement costs and even higher self-consumption levels in case of operating their own DG-unit.


Project: Leafs - Integration of Loads and Electric Storage Systems into Advanced

Flexibility Schemes for LV Networks (lead Project of Österreichischen Klima- und Energiefonds)

Period: 1.11.2015 – 31.10.2018


AIT-Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH (Project management)

Fronius International GmbH

Siemens AG Österreich

Salzburg Netz GmbH

Netz Oberösterreich GmbH

Energienetze Steiermark GmbH

TU Wien - Energy Economics Group

Energieinstitut an der Johannes Kepler Universität