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Building your Network

PhD Seminar Retreat

All PhD students are invited to attend a week-long retreat in the Alps where they have the opportunity to network with fellow scientists, receive training on issues ranging from presentation skills to how to prepare for the next step in their careers.

Network platforms

The goal of the PhD Seminar is creating a network for PhD students fromall AIT Centers. Sessions are dedicated to practicing presentation techniques, career coaching (e.g. Next stop Postdoc?), fireside chats with successful people from science and industry.


Our PhD students have the opportunity to partner with more experienced scientists to seek guidance on career and personal development.

Social Events & Networking

PhD students at AIT are encouraged to participate in the “Young AIT Network.”  Young AIT provides a common platform and organizes regular events and activities ranging from recreational events and gatherings to professional working groups and workshops.  AIT is also affiliated with the Year Network, a European Association fostering the careers of young researchers.

Partners in Industry

Our close relationship to partners in industry provide an additional avenue to PhD students for expanding their networks and increasing future career opportunities.